Obama, Romney Get Feisty in Second Debate
- UPDATE: Moderator Admits Romney Was Correct on Benghazi
- Poll: Romney Wins Big on the Economy, 65-34%
- Debate Video: Obama Refuses To Answer Question on Social Security's Failure
- Obama Smirks, Laughs Off Fast and Furious During Debate
- REACTION: From the Debate Floor in Hempstead
- Dem Strategist: "I don't think it's going to change the dynamics of the race."
- Mitt Romney Brings Up Fast and Furious in Presidential Debate
- Snap Poll: Obama 37, Romney 30, Tie 33
- Van Jones Drops a D-Bomb on TV While Attacking Romney
- A Devastating Piece of Journalism
- Planned Parenthood Coats Airwaves in Anti-Romney Ads