The Obama Vital Record simulation

Why are you overlooking the fact that IF Ann Dunham had a passport in 1961 and IF she had done something so ridiculously foolish as to travel halfway around the world to have her first child without her husband, on her return trip she would have flown from London to New York and would be listed among NY immigration records, NOT Hawaii’s? [records are missing only for Hawaii international arrivals]
Ann Dunham Obama received her first passport in 1965 after she married Lolo Soetoro, in anticipation of her traveling to Indonesia. This is clearly seen in all her passport records. There is also the fact that there are witnesses that remember seeing Ann Obama in Kapi’olani Hospital, one of them is the mother of Stig Waidelich, who was born a day or two after Barack Obama and she clearly remembers a black baby in the nursery and realized it had to have been Obama. She also mentioned seeing his parents together, an unusual sight in 1961.
There is nothing that indicates that President Obama was born outside the U.S., only the delusions in the minds of birthers. ~~~
A. Nash replies:
~There are a few major holes in your assumptions, and they are all explained by the Vancouver Scenario which I wrote a while back. (found at obama–nation. com
It goes like this: Ann D. was living back in her old stomping grounds where she felt at home, Seattle, Washington, during her third trimester. She couldn’t find any adoptive parents in the state so she arranged with the Family Services of Greater Vancouver to try to find adoptive parents in Canada. [from their website: Our services range from prevention to intervention. We provide: abuse prevention & trauma treatment; addictions treatment; adoption services; community education & development; counselling; employee assistance; employment services; immigrant services; intensive family & parenting services; support for youth with special needs; victim support; and youth services for homeless youth and youth living in at-risk situations.
83 years after we started out, our 525 staff, together with 295 volunteers and 38 students, continue to provide crucial social services in over 30 languages at 20 locations throughout the lower mainland (Vancouver, Richmond, Burnaby, New Westminster, and Surrey), and other areas of the province. Last year, our annual agency revenue was $22,276,296.]
Striking out there also after traveling to Vancouver and giving birth there, she flew to Hawaii three days later, checked her baby into the hospital, and attempted to register his birth the next day with the Dept. of Health. She didn’t need a passport for travel between U.S. and Canada at that time but INS cards were required to be filled out regardless.
The affidavit she filled-out for the DoH was insufficient for issuing a Hawaiian birth certificate since she provided no evidence of having lived in Hawaii for a year, nor sworn statements from any witnesses.
Thus, Obama has no birth certificate from either Canada or any U.S. State. He only form of ID all of his life has been his Indonesian passport. That was why he had to “request” a birth certificate from Hawaii in 2008 since he never had one, and never will. That’s why his “request” produced two counterfeits.
How did that come about? Axelrod: Hey Barry, we need to scan your birth certificate and show the public that you were born in Hawaii.
Barry: uhhhhh, that might be a problem since I don’t have one. And brace yourself; I never have had one. So if we’re going to release a scan of one, we first have to make one.
Axelrod: No problem, the useful idiots in the Hawaiian DoH would be willing to provide us with whatever materials we need. We’ll just have to release it surreptitiously so that it isn’t traced back to anyone in particular.
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