Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Of Truth & Fiction; Power & Treason

~ What You Damn Well Better Know For Certain

A whole lot of intellectual foolishness is relied upon in the pursuit of legitimizing the presidential eligibility of an unconstitutional President, and the most fundamental element of that pursuit is seen in the elevation of English common law to a position of supremacy, -and not just in Britain but also in the United States, -the very same nation that rebelled against not only British rule but the foundation of that rule itself.
The Ground Zero of the Obama defense in attempting to “prove” that all native-born citizens are “natural born citizens” (as the Constitution requires of all  Presidents) is the notion that the people of the sovereign American States did not shake off that rule but continued to embrace it in perpetuity.
That extrapolates to the subsequent presumption that therefore we are still bound by it all simply because we encoded its best features of liberty and justice into the Articles of our foundational charter (-the Constitution of the United States,  and its follow-up Bill of Rights) as the law of the land by which the States bound themselves to each other and to the rule of law and the defense of personal liberty.
The notion that we are prisoners of an invisible fundamental law of another nation, (which itself contained a misinterpretation of their fundamental law) further extrapolates to the notion that the most fundamental issue or question of civilized life (“what determines one’s nationality?”) is decided in the ether of an unwritten foreign doctrine that acts like invisible handcuffs on the United States government and all of the people of our nation, -as if we, and our values, have no say in the matter.  As if we wear an invisible collar that restrict our freedom and determines our fate, -by determining who or what we belong to.

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