Wednesday, November 20, 2013


...Which brings us to ObamaCare. Now, if you can picture the Titanic, packed with black plague victims, exploding over Lakewood, NJ, you have a reasonable picture of the enormity and impact of ObamaCare, a fiasco that will cause more damage than any other government-sponsored operation since the heyday of the Marxist dictatorships in the mid-20th century.  While the collectivization of the 1930s and the Great Leap Forward (1958-1962) certainly caused more human suffering, ObamaCare is unique in that it is occurring in a Western democracy, supposedly secure from such government-fomented catastrophes. Literally hundreds of millions of lives are being disrupted by this program. Untold thousands will die prematurely. Tens of thousands will be crippled or dogged by easily-treated disorders. Millions will suffer serious economic stress. It is not impossible that another recession will wrack the country. And there is no way to stop it. Obama's "fix" is mere theater. The avalanche is still headed downhill, the American populace (most of them, as we know, Obama voters) staring at it wide-eyed. I intend to watch from the top of my secure stone tower with interest and sympathy. But Obama won't be around. He has a golf date.


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