Friday, November 13, 2009

MORE FROM THE OBAMA HIT PARADE...May 20 - June 9, 2009...

351. Biden’s Outrageous Lie about Coming Under Enemy Fire!- 5/20/9 - Times Watch has an excellent piece on the latest Biden Fantasy/Lie: “NY Times reporter Nicholas Kulish didn’t question Biden’s claim (reminiscent of Hillary Clinton’s debunked claim to coming under fire in Bosnia) in his story on the vice president’s visit to Sarajevo…From Kulish: ‘During his speech, Mr. Biden recalled his trip to the country in 1993, and how, flying in at the time, his plane was fired upon, and bombed-out homes with snipers inside could be seen.’-End from Kulish. [Our Note: Not True at all!] Back to Times Watch: “Speaking of “old patterns” — Biden sure got fired on a lot as a Democratic senator, didn’t he? During the presidential campaign he claimed his helicopter was “forced down” in Afghanistan. (Turns out it was “forced down” by a snowstorm.) In September 2008, Jim Geraghty at National Review Online summarized all the places Biden claimed to have come under fire, linking to a story in The Hill newspaper showing Biden backing off on multiple claims to have been fired upon in Iraq: When asked for a detailed account of the experience, Biden described three incidents on two separate Iraq trips in which he felt that he was shot at or might have been shot at. Only one of them took place inside the Green Zone, he said, and involved a “shot” landing outside the building where he and other senators were staying. He added that the vehicle he was traveling in the day before might also have been hit. Biden said the incident happened in the morning while he and at least one other senator were shaving. Although he said it shook the building, he wasn’t rattled enough to duck and cover. “No one got up and ran from the room — it wasn’t that kind of thing,” he said. “…It’s not like I had someone holding a gun to my head.”Thinking about it now, he said, a more accurate comment would have been: “I was near where a shot landed.”

352. Obama Bringing Terrorist to the USA!- 5/20/9 Just one day after democrat-socialists promised not to bring terrorists to “prisons in the United States,” that’s exactly what Team Obama is doing! AP reports “A top al-Qaida suspect held at Guantanamo Bay will be sent to New York for trial,…Ahmed Ghailani would be the first Guantanamo detainee brought to the U.S.” Obama’s Attorney General, Eric ‘let ‘em go’ Holder has said BOTH that the terrorists could be brought to the U.S. AND that they won’t be brought to the U.S. This is the second terrorist Obama has brought to New York. Remember the teenage pirate brought here (see scandal dated 4/16/09)? From that scandal listing: ‘We were making fun of the Obama Administration and Eric Holder because of what they said about releasing terrorists from Guantanamo Bay in the USA. That’s where the quote comes from. It was supposed to be a joke! It’s not a joke now though. President Obama actually is returning to the Clinton strategy of treating terrorists like regular criminal cases, trying them in court, and giving them all the same rights as a US Citizen. They are, of course, entitled to no such rights.’

353. Obama Terror Talk # 1 - Lie About Waterboarding- 5/21/9 - In his “major address on terror” today, President Obama said “brutal methods like waterboarding” were not necessary to keep us safe. To those, like VP Dick Cheney, who say these methods were not only necessary but prevented a 9/11 style attack on Los Angeles, President Obama said, “I could not disagree more.” He added, “I categorically reject the assertions that these are the most effective means of interrogation.” Even though they worked. See Scandal dated 4/21/9 “Interrogation techniques lie!” While Obama released memo’s about the process, he has failed to release the memo’s that prove it worked. Dick Cheney would like to know why. KOA reports Leon Panetta refused Cheney’s request to release the memo’s that show the waterboarding worked!

354. Obama Terror Talk # 2 - Error on the Purpose of Guantanamo Prison- 5/21/9
-”Guantanamo became a symbol that helped Al Qaida,” said President obama. “A symbol that helped Al Qaida recruit terrorists to its cause.” Obama also incorrectly said the purpose of the prison at the Navy base in Guantanamo Bay was “serving as a tool to counter terrorism.” Wrong. It wasn’t part of some PR or marketing campaign. It was created to house terrorists and interrogate them to prevent future attacks. Both of those efforts have been very successful. Still obama made the outrageous claim: “Indeed the existence of Guantanamo likely created more terrorists around the world than it ever detained!” Quite a claim with no evidence at all to back it up.

355. Obama Terror Talk # 3 - Obama’s Biggest Hypocrisy Yet: Says Guantanamo Helped Terrorist Recruiting!- 5/21/9 - “Guantanamo became a symbol that helped Al Qaida,” said President obama. “A symbol that helped Al Qaida recruit terrorists to its cause.” Interesting. Okay, if that’s true, then “Obama’s Gitmo“…the terrorist prison at Bagram Air Force Base in Iraq where he said he might abandon habeus corpus and hold people indefinetly…must also be a symbol to recruit terrorists. See the Obama Gitmo scandal dated 4/21/9 If we wanted to make up a “fact” as President Obama did in the previous scandal, we could say “Indeed the existence of President Obama’s Gitmo, the terrorist prison at Bagram Air Force Base in Iraq, is likely creating more terrorists around the world than it could ever detain!” Obama wants to show the nation how cool he is for shutting down Gitmo while he hopes no one notices that he has Gitmo II at Bagram in Iraq!!! So, Bagram must also be (as Obama described Gitmo) “it is a rallying cry for our enemies.”…Wait, I forgot (silly me) the media only tell the public it is “bad” when a republican does it. So with our nation’s first socialist President in charge, it must be okay now. My apologies.

UPDATE 5/24/9 Four days after we brought it up here, republican US Senator Jon Kyl says, “I mean, it’s palpably false to suggest that the existence of Gitmo created terrorism, and yet the president gets away with that.” He doesn’t get away with it at because we are Leading the way Right. Kyl told Fox News I don’t think you saw guys sitting around in some coffee shop in Saudi Arabia, saying, ‘You know, those Americans have this prison called Gitmo, I think I’ll become a terrorist.’”

356. Obama Terror Talk # 4 - Releasing Terrorists in the United States (The flip, flop, flop, flip!)- 5/21/9 First Team Obama said they would consider releasing terrorists in the United States. Then they said they would not. Then they did it (see scandal dated 5/20/9), and now the President claims he won’t do it! “We are not going to release anyone if it would endanger our national security. Nor will we release detainees within the United States who endanger the American people.” Translation? If these guys are found innocent in a U.S. Criminal Court, they walk free…in the United States…after all, they were innocent, right? Yeah, right. And that’s why we have Guantanamo; to hold a bunch of nice guys who were wrongly accused. (*GAG*) Now the Prez says he’ll put them in tough prisons here “to the same types of facilities in which we hold all manner of dangerous and violent criminals.” Obama is turning out to be Bill Clinton III. We’re right back to the failed policy of treating terrorists the same way we treat an armed robber in Detroit. See all four “Obama Terror Talk Scandals” in his own words here from FOX news.
357. Another Teleprompter Blunder! - 5/21/9 President Obama reading from his magic notepad: “We have our CIA Director Leon Panetta; we have our Secretary of Defense William Gates.” William (Bill) Gates is the guy who founded Microsoft. Robert Gates runs the defense department.

358. Obama Energy Hypocrisy # 1 - Nuclear Power is Good,…er, uh…Bad)- 5/21/9 - Rush Limbaugh as only Rush could say it: “You remember the Dubai Ports deal?…how the country just rose up in unified opposition to…allowing the United Arab Emirates and a Dubai company…to control…several terminals at US ports…the country wanted no part of it because, my gosh, these are Muslims, going to turn the ports over? Guess what deal President Obama just made…a deal to offer nuclear technology to the United Arab Emirates for the express purpose of the UAE only generating electricity to power their growing empire!…While we…send expertise and materiel to help the United Arab Emirates go nuclear with their power, what the hell are we doing? We are looking into freaking windmills! We are examining freaking solar panels! We are in the process of trying to take out the coal industry!…of building little cars with propeller whirly birds on top that have no more power than a lawn mower! We are taking ourselves back to the freaking Stone Age…meanwhile, we are helping the United Arab Emirates go nuclear with their power!…We can’t go nuclear. We can’t do any more nuclear. It’s shut down. But we’re going to help the rest of the world do it? We’re gonna give away our technology, or sell it or whatever we’re going to do. Don’t misunderstand, I got no problem with it. But at the same time I don’t want to sit around and have to live in a country where I have to look at a windmill every **** day and hope and pray the wind’s blowing just to be able to turn on a 40-watt fluorescent, compact, stupid, spaghetti light bulb that’s not enough light to do anything by!”

359. Obama Energy Hypocrisy # 2 - Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil)- 5/22/9 - President Obama has repeatedly claimed he wants to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. The democrat-socialist congress also made that claim and backed it up by lifting a 27-year ban on drilling off the coasts of Florida and the East & West coats. However, Fox News reports today: “but billions of barrels of that oil remains untouched and off-limits because the Obama administration has postponed development there. The Obama administration favors green energy and provides generous tax subsidies to wind and solar. By contrast, this week the oil industry complained that Obama proposed hiking their taxes by $70 billion over 5 years, including a $122 million on leases the administration considers non-producing. “If you penalize oil and gas, and add taxes, it is going to make it much more difficult and more expensive. That means U.S. jobs are exported.” You mean the Obama administration is causing jobs to move overseas? I thought Obama told us how awful Bush was for that!

360. Obama Nominates Sotomayor for Supreme Court - Sotomayor: Courts make Policy!- 5/26/9 - President Barack Obama has nominated a woman to the U.S. Supreme Court who does not even understand the role of the courts. She believes, as she admitted on tape, that courts make policy for our nation! This is an extreme lefty pick by an extreme lefty President. See for yourself on this longer version of the infamous Youtube Sonia Sotomayor admission:

UPDATE 6/4/9: Turns out Sotomayor repeated her racist remarks for years!
361. The First Hispanic Lie- 5/26/9 -
Justice Ben Cardozo

Justice Ben Cardozo
A willing press spreads the lie that Supreme Court Nominee Sonia Sotomayor would be the first Hispanic to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. Not true! President Herbert Hoover named the first Hispanic to the high court in 1932. His name was Benjamin N. Cardozo. While some feel those of Portuguese decent are not Hispanic, the debate has never been settled. Perhaps Sotomayor should be called the first Latina nominee instead. Of course the media also called President Obama the first “black” President, even though he is just as much white as he is black. He should be called the first half-black President or the first mixed-race President.

362. Obama’s Broken Promise on Iraq War # 4 - “Open Ended Commitment Must Come to a Close”- 5/26/9 Fox News: “Gen. George Casey, the Army chief of staff, said the Pentagon is prepared to leave fighting forces in Iraq for as long as a decade despite an agreement between the United States and Iraq that would bring all American troops home by 2012…As recently as February, Defense Secretary Robert Gates (said) “Under the Status of Forces Agreement with the Iraqi government, I intend to remove all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of 2011.” - That’s odd considering Barack Obama said, “The days of our open-ended commitment must come to a close.” That’s what he told the Senate, according to a Jan. 31, 2007, Washington Post article. (See Scandal #95) So when will Obama get the troops out? He promised he would bring them home “now,” then May of 2010, then August of 2010, then “not completely” until 2011 sometime, and now maybe in a decade or so. Wonder if all the “get-out-now” crowd still adores President Obama?

363. Instead of Nuclear Power or Clean Coal, we get White Rooftops and Roads from Team Obama!- 5/27/9 Bloomberg: “The world should try to have “white roofs everywhere” to help fight climate change, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu said. Painting flat roofs of homes and commercial buildings white would reflect more of the sun’s heat back to space and reduce electricity used for air conditioning by as much as 15 percent, Chu told reporters…he favors regulations requiring paler roofs and roads.” I have a better idea. Let’s build more nuclear power plants. We can paint them white if Chu wants. If power is such an issue and President Obama thinks Nuclear power is good for the United Arab Emerites, then why is it bad for the U.S.A.?

364. VP Biden Admits Cheney Was Right!- 5/27/9 Nolan Finley of the Detroit News: “Good ol’ Joe Biden. The vice president who was supposed to be so much smarter and more sophisticated than the GOP’s Sarah Palin keeps making the Alaskan governor look better and better. In Kosovo last week on the last leg of an Eastern European tour, Biden was asked about his boss’ decision to close the Guantanamo Bay terrorist prison. He said the number of prisoners “who are a real danger … has not been established.” In other words, the current vice president confirmed what former Vice President Dick Cheney charges: That the decision to close Guantanamo was recklessly made.”

365. Even Joe Biden Makes Fun of Barack Obama!- 5/27/9 In this video (poor audio quality due to wind), after a teleprompter falls over, Joe Biden wonders aloud what the President will do without it!

366. BOTH PARTIES say Team Obama Unqualified to Run Auto Industry- 5/27/9 No freakin’ kidding! These people would have known this months ago if they read our website! Now that GM & Chrysler are near bankruptcy (After Bush & Obama wasted billions of your tax dollars on bailouts that were a complete failure), finally some people are wondering if the federal government really has any business running the auto industry. No! Fox News: “The combined total of auto industry experience the 24-member federal auto task force brings to the bailout talks equals zero, raising doubts about the group’s capacity to handle General Motors’ and Chrysler’s meltdowns…Thirty-six members of Congress from both sides of the aisle told the White House last week they are troubled by the work of the Auto Task Force. The lawmakers’ concerns range from exploiting auto workers to laying off dealership employees. “Decisions being made by the Auto Task Force and in the bankruptcy proceedings in New York are more than troubling.”…”Who is this auto task force and who do they represent? They certainly don’t represent workers in America. They don’t represent investors, they don’t represent dealerships. They represent various Wall Street interests,” said Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio. “Of course we know that nobody on the task force has any experience in the auto business, and we heard at the hearing many of them don’t even own cars. And they’re dictating the auto industry for our future? What’s wrong with this picture?” asked Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas.”- Some on the task force don’t own American-made cars. As our 4/17/9 Scandal notes, the task force leader is under investigation in connection with a possible pay to play deal. Scandals we list on 4/29/9 note that Obama is stealing GM from its rightful owners and redistributing it to the UAW, and that Obama lied saying he doesn’t want to run the auto industry. As Al Gore would say, the debate is over. Socialism is here.

367. 5/28/9 From ABCDEmocrat News: “The first one of the projects featured in “100 Days, 100 Projects” doesn’t seem to withstand the scrutiny of its description. The project is described by the Obama administration this way: “Using $27 million of Recovery Act funding, a public housing development in Washington, D.C., the Regency House, has undergone a green retrofit. As part of this upgrade, the building installed solar panels, a ‘green’ roof, a rainwater collection system, energy-efficient lighting as well as water conserving toilets, showerheads, and faucets. The greening of this building will allow the Regency House to save money in energy costs, while lessening their impact on the environment.” In reality, the work done on the Regency House that was funded by the stimulus package amounted to $59,000 in parts and labor, according to Dena Michaelson, director of public affairs for the Washington DC Housing Authority. The $27 million is the total amount given by the stimulus act to the Washington DC Housing Authority, the vast majority of which hasn’t been spent…White House press secretary Robert Gibbs conceded that the entry about the DC Housing Authority project was not as accurate as it could have been.”

368. Obama-Biden Inflate Impact of Police Cadet Hiring?- 5/28/9 From ABCDEmocrat News: “The booklet (100 days 100 projects) also mentions the “police academy graduates in Ohio” whose graduation ceremony President Obama attended in March, heralding how the stimulus enabled the city of Columbus to hire 25 cadets. But this week Police Chief Walter Distelzweig told the Columbus Dispatch that unless residents approve a tax increase, those 25 cadets face the real possibility of layoffs.

369. Obama’s Corporate Jet Date Night!- 5/30/9 - The first couple jetted to New York City for date night; dining and a broadway play. Fox News: “The White House refused to say how much the trip was costing taxpayers…the there-and-back trip drew criticism from Republicans. They questioned the president’s decision to travel to New York for a night of entertainment during a recession and while automakers struggle to survive. It was just a few months ago that auto executives were roundly criticized when they traveled to Washington for congressional hearings in pricey private planes (see scandal # 84). The Republican National Committee issued a news release that chastised Obama for saying he understands American’s troubles, but then hopping up to New York for “a night on the town.” Noting that General Motors is expected to file for Chapter 11 protection on Monday, the news release said: “Putting on a show: Obamas wing into the city for an evening out while another iconic American company prepares for bankruptcy.” In a statement read to the press, Obama said, “I am taking my wife to New York City because I promised her during the campaign that I would take her to a Broadway show after it was all finished.” - Yeah, so take that. He’s taking her to a show because he promised…hey, wait…when has a promise ever meant anything to this guy before? So Bush gets criticized for finishing reading a story to some school kids on 9/11, but it’s okay for Obama to go on a Corporate Jet Date while GM and the economy are crumbling?

370. Obama’s Budget Plan Flip Flops on Wiping Out Small Business Capital Gains Taxes! 6/1/9 - Politico: “Even though he unapologetically promised to raise taxes on entrepreneurs (and everybody else) making more than $250,000 per year, Obama offered small businesses some solace by promising several specific tax cuts. One, which became a cornerstone of his campaign’s jobs plan, would eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses…he nevertheless shelved (the) proposal: His budget puts off the capital gains tax cut until after his term in office ends”
371. Obama Flip Flop on Needle Exchange 6/1/9 - Politico: One of the Obama flip-flops you don’t know about is that his budget did not include federal funding for needle exchange programs. “which he supported in the campaign but his budget does not.”

372. Obama’s “Reluctant Shareholders” Lie- 6/2/9 From the AP: “We are acting as reluctant shareholders because that is the only way to help GM succeed,” Obama said of the temporary nationalization of the 100-year-old company.” Reluctant, my rear! He has wanted to nationalize this industry for months. His Auto Task Force created the plan to do so. He worked with the UAW to illegally give away a national asset to the union. Union leaders took the deal and sold out 21,000 of their members who will lose their jobs. And, once again Obama repeats his government is “the only way” lie. If you’re looking for a car, keep in mind Obama has used billions of OUR tax dollars to keep these companies afloat long enough to manipulate shareholders into giving away portions to the trade unions. It’s a monumental scandal! Have you drived a Ford lately?

373. Obama’s Health Care Tax Flip-Flop- 6/2/9 Candidate Obama made fun of John MaverDick McCain for being open to taxing health care benefits. He even pointed out it was on McCain’s website. Now President Obama does another flip flop according to Erica Werner at Associated Press: “Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., raised the issue with Obama during a private meeting with the president and other Democratic senators and later reported the president’s position: “It’s on the table. It’s an option.” The White House said later that Obama did not want to go that route.” So they flipped, then flopped, then flipped again. AP: “Obama spokesman Reid Cherlin said in a statement. “He stated again his belief that health reform can’t wait another year, and that while all options should be considered, those options should include the revenue proposals that he included in his budget.” …then flopped again!

374. VP Joe Biden Admits Some Stimulus Money is a Waste!- 6/2/9 Reuters: “Vice President Joe Biden acknowledged on Tuesday that some waste is inevitable in the spending of a $787 billion economic stimulus package, in a characteristically blunt assessment. “We know some of this money is going to be wasted,” Biden said…The package was approved by the Democratic-led Congress in February over the objections of most Republicans, who were concerned about the potential for wasteful spending and because it will add billions of dollars to U.S. deficit spending…”There are going to be mistakes made,” said Biden. “Some people are being scammed already!” Yep. It’s the American people that are being scammed by Biden & Obama already.

375. Obama’s Unprecedented Level of Being Superficial! 6/3/9 ABCDEmocrat News: “While embracing Obama’s focus on making government more open and accountable, the president’s directive from last week “doesn’t get to the root” of U.S. government officials’ addiction to stamping information “classified,” said Steve Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists’ Project on Government Secrecy.”Both the memo’s diagnosis and its own suggested remedies are quite superficial…Meredith Fuchs, of the nonpartisan National Security Archives at George Washington University, agreed. “[Obama's memo] doesn’t suggest there’s going to be anything significant done that would fix a system that’s been broken for so long.” — Even the ACLU had concerns!

376. Obama calls the USA a Muslim Nation!!! - 6/3/9 - After denying the nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles (see scandal #189), the NY Times reports: “In an interview with Laura Haim on Canal Plus, a French television station, Mr. Obama noted that the United States also could be considered as “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world”:…”And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world,” Mr. Obama said.””

377. Obama’s Muslim Math is Wrong!- 6/3/9 - Rush Limbaugh notes on his radio show today that the President’s comment about the USA being “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world” is outrageous on another front as well. With just 2.3-million Muslims, hardly 1% of our population, we are not even close to being on a list of nations with large Muslim populations. Other nations have hundreds of millions of Muslims.UPDATE 6/4/9: Obama repeats his math error in Egypt claiming there are 7-million Muslims in the U.S.

378. Obama calls Democracy a “Difficult Issue!!!”- 6/3/9 - The nation’s first socialist president, Barack Obama, told reporters yesterday that democracy is a difficult issue he’d like to discuss with muslims!!! NY Times: “What I want to do is to create a better dialogue so that the Muslim world understands more effectively how the United States, but also how the West thinks about many of these difficult issues like terrorism, like democracy, to discuss the framework for what’s happened in Iraq and Afghanistan and our outreach to Iran, and also how we view the prospects for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians,” Mr. Obama said.

379. Team Obama has no idea if it is FOR or AGAINST releasing terrorists in the United States!!- 6/3/9 - Fox News: “Attorney General Eric Holder and National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair have said it’s possible some Guantanamo detainees would be released in the U.S. but Solicitor General Elena Kagan strongly disagrees… Conflicting statements from the Obama administration suggest there’s an internal disagreement over whether to bring some of them to the U.S.”

380. Team Obama helps Terrorists with Release of Nuclear Secrets!- 6/3/9 - NY Times: “The federal government mistakenly made public a 266-page report, its pages marked “highly confidential,” that gives detailed information about hundreds of the nation’s civilian nuclear sites and programs, including maps showing the precise locations of stockpiles of fuel for nuclear weapons…David Albright, president of the Institute for Science and International Security, a private group in Washington that tracks nuclear proliferation, said information that shows where nuclear fuels are stored “can provide thieves or terrorists inside information that can help them seize the material, which is why that kind of data is not given out.”

381. Obama’s Muslim Roots Lie # 1!- 6/3/9 -
Jake Tapper of ABCDEmocrat News: “Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Denis McDonough said “the President himself experienced Islam on three continents before he was able to — or before he’s been able to visit, really, the heart of the Islamic world — you know, growing up in Indonesia, having a Muslim father — obviously Muslim Americans (are) a key part of Illinois and Chicago.”…The candidate was even offended when referred to by his initials “BHO,” because he considered the use of his middle name, “Hussein,” an attempt to frighten voters…The candidate’s comment at a Boca Raton, Florida, town hall meeting on May 22, 2008, was typical: “My father was basically agnostic, as far as I can tell, and I didn’t know him,” he said. In September 2008, candidate Obama told a Pennsylvania crowd, “I know that I’m not your typical presidential candidate and I just want to be honest with you. I know that the temptation is to say, ‘You know what? The guy hasn’t been there that long in Washington. You know, he’s got a funny name. You know, we’re not sure about him.’ And that’s what the Republicans when they say this isn’t about issues, it’s about personalities, what they’re really saying is, ‘We’re going to try to scare people about Barack. So we’re going to say that, you know, maybe he’s got Muslim connections.’…Just making stuff up.”Clearly people were not “just making stuff up.” Fox News reports: “Obama’s father, stepfather, brother and grandfather were Muslims, and his name means “Blessed” in Arabic. But “although my father had been raised a Muslim, by the time he met my mother he was a confirmed atheist,” Obama wrote in “Audacity of Hope.” More from ABC: …In his April 6 address to the Turkish Parliament, President Obama referenced how many “Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim majority country. I know, because I am one of them.“

382. Obama’s Muslim Roots Lie # 2!- 6/3/9 - Someone else in Obama’s family who wasn’t Muslim before now is suddenly making a Muslim pilgrimage. From Gateway Pundit & Rush Limbaugh: “They also said that his aunt or grandmother, something like that, his Kenyan grandmother was a Christian, but this month Gateway Pundit posts that we learned his Christian grandmother’s going to attend the Hajj, which is the trip to Mecca in Saudi Arabia.”

383. Obama’s Afghan Errors Upset Muslims- 6/3/9 - While Obama is on his Muslim Tour, we learn that under his command, the military reportedly made errors in Afghanistan. Pauline Jelinek at Associated Press breaks the story: “American troops made substantial errors and did not strictly follow rules for avoiding casualties during an air assault on Taliban fighters last month, a U.S. defense official said, underscoring a central quandary for President Barack Obama’s new Afghan counterinsurgency campaign. The defense official said a military investigation faulted some of the actions of American troops in air strikes May 4 that killed dozens of Afghan civilians in Farah province. “Errors were made” in the attack, the official acknowledged on condition of anonymity, discussing one of the preliminary findings on an incident that has strained relations between Washington and Kabul and bred deep resentment among the Afghan people. Civilian deaths in Afghanistan have also enraged Muslims worldwide.”

384. Even Fed Chair says Obama’s Deficits Will Kill the Economy!- 6/3/9 - Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Ben Bernanke told congress the President’s gigantic deficit deception, and continued Blazing Deficit Hyprocrisy, will hurt the economy! No Kidding! Greg Michaels at has some excellent writing skills. His story reports: “Bernanke electrified the House…with an impressive stand up routine focused on deficit reduction. One liners such as “Unless we demonstrate a strong commitment to fiscal sustainability in the longer run, we will have neither financial stability nor healthy economic growth”… there were some hecklers…Republican Paul Ryan…”The Treasury is issuing debt and the central bank is buying it…It gives the alarming impression that the U.S. one day might begin to meet its financial obligations by simply printing money.” So printing money to pay off debt is a problem for Mr. Ryan. What is this nut job going to demand next? A stable currency?” - Read Michael’s whole article here.

385. Hug-an-Islamist Tour # 1: Obama’s Muslim Tour Naiveté- 6/4/9 - While Iran says the U.S. is “hated in the Muslim world,” and Islamist Extremists pledge to kill us all, President Obama gives a talk in Cairo saying: “I’ve come here to Cairo to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world — one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect, and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition.” The extremists don’t (& won’t) respect us! They want us dead!

386. Hug-an-Islamist Tour # 2: Obama Invents New Duty for Presidents - 6/4/9 - “And I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.” That’s a repsonsibility of the President of the United States? To fight against negative sterotypes of a specific religion? Would he do the same for Christianity? What happened to the “separation of Church and State” crowd? This nonsense was uttered today by a man who, as a candidate, did not want the press to use his middle name, Hussein, because it made him sound too Muslim! Now he is suddenly the defender of Islam?

387. Hug-an-Islamist Tour # 3: Obama: Holocaust Happened & “On the other hand…” - 6/4/9 - As Red State and Rush Limbaugh pointed out today, President Obama used his Cairo speech to draw some kind of sick equivalent between the killing of 6-million Jewish people in the Holocaust and Palestine. After describing the Holocaust, he said “On the other hand,” as if it were some kind of comparison or equivalent argument, “it is also undeniable that the Palestinian people - Muslims and Christians - have suffered in pursuit of a homeland. For more than sixty years they have endured the pain of dislocation. Many wait in refugee camps in the West Bank, Gaza, and neighboring lands for a life of peace and security that they have never been able to lead. They endure the daily humiliations - large and small - that come with occupation. So let there be no doubt: the situation for the Palestinian people is intolerable. America will not turn our backs on the legitimate Palestinian aspiration for dignity, opportunity, and a state of their own.” On 10/14/08, Haaretz notes: “Barack Obama’s campaign on Wednesday dismissed the Rev. Jesse Jackson’s assertion that as president, the Democratic candidate would rid the United States of years of “Zionist” control.” Maybe Jesse Jackson was right about this guy! And most American Jewish people vote for socialist-democrats…why?

388. Hug-an-Islamist Tour # 4: Obama Believes America & Islam share “Common Principles.” - 6/4/9 - America shares no principles in common with Islamist Extremists. Yet our President said today, “America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles - principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.” How does the extremist Muslim view of cutting someone’s head off in the name of justice have anything in common with American justice? How does the extremist view of the dignity of women as human beings have anything at all in common with the American view of the dignity of all human beings? This Rodney King approach to foreign policy will fail.

389. Hug-an-Islamist Tour # 5: Obama Believes Islamists Hope For Educated Women - 6/4/9 In Afghanistan and other Muslim nations, girls and women can be beaten and killed for the simple act of going to school. Yet President Obama said in Egypt today that getting an education, “This is the hope of all humanity.” He knows that is not true and he said it anyway. He knows Islamists don’t want education for “all humanity,” only males. Here is the entire quote: “Islam is a part of America. And I believe that America holds within her the truth that regardless of race, religion, or station in life, all of us share common aspirations - to live in peace and security; to get an education and to work with dignity; to love our families, our communities, and our God. These things we share. This is the hope of all humanity.”

390. Hug-an-Islamist Tour # 6: Obama Believes Islamist Extremists Reject the Killing of Innocents -- 6/4/9 - Despite the Islamic Extremist notion of conversion even by ‘the sword’ if necessary, President Obama makes the following claim: “people of all faiths reject: the killing of innocent men, women, and children.” The accurate claim would instead be that people of all faiths SHOULD reject the killing…

391. Hug-an-Islamist Tour # 7: Obama Admits Bush was Right! - 6/4/9 - Despite years of being vocally against the Iraq war, Obama today admitted overseas that Iraq is better off because of it: “I believe that the Iraqi people are ultimately better off without the tyranny of Saddam Hussein.” That comment won’t please his anti-war pals.

392. Hug-an-Islamist Tour # 8: Obama Stretches Truth on Torture - 6/4/9 - President Obama said, “I have unequivocally prohibited the use of torture by the United States.” As if that is something new that he did. As Rush Limaugh noted today, “Ladies and gentlemen, torture in the United States has always been illegal. This is nothing Barack Obama has done to change that. torture has always been prohibited by the United States.”

393. Obama Broken Promise on Iraq War # 5 - - 6/4/9 - After promising America that he will end war and bring our troops home, Obama said in Egypt he may not be able to do that: “We would gladly bring every single one of our troops home if we could be confident that there were not violent extremists in Afghanistan and Pakistan determined to kill as many Americans as they possibly can. But that is not yet the case. That’s why we’re partnering with a coalition of forty-six countries. And despite the costs involved, America’s commitment will not weaken.” He’s partnering with 46 nations? I thought he said Bush (who had more partners) was doing this all alone without support from the world? He won’t weaken our commitment in Afghanistan? So much for bringing troops home.

394. Obama Even Flip-Flops on His Big Ears! - - 6/5/9 - On December 10th, 2006 Barack Obama told Maureen Dowd to stop making fun of his big ears. From Rush Limbaugh and Free Republic: “After his speech was over he made a beeline for Maureen Dowd and the audience. The camera kept rolling…this is what he said to Maureen Dowd. OBAMA (off mic): “You talked about my ears, and I just want to put you on notice: I’m very sensitive about — What at I told them was, ”I was teased relentlessly when I was a kid about my big ears.’” DOWD (purring): We’re trying to toughen you up.” - So it was off limits. Now, the democrat party’s MSNBC division has Athena Jones noting that today in Egypt Obama toured a Pyramid: “President Obama spotted another notable sight: a hieroglyphic that showed the face of a man with big ears. Obama entered the tomb and saw it right away. “That looks like me!” he said. “Look at those ears!”…A few moments later, when aides Rahm Emanuel, Valerie Jarrett, David Axelrod and Reggie Love descended into the tomb, Obama went back over and showed them the big-eared image, sparking laughs.” So, now it is okay to make fun of his dumbo-sized flying ears. He even flip flops on what is okay to talk about, from his middle name to his ears!

395. Obama Appointment Scandal # 50 - Philip Mudd - - 6/5/9 - Associated Press: “President Barack Obama’s pick for intelligence chief at the Homeland Security Department withdrew from consideration Friday amid questions about his role in the CIA’s interrogations of suspected terrorists. Philip Mudd was scheduled to appear next week before senators considering his nomination as undersecretary of intelligence and analysis. He notified the White House on Friday that he was withdrawing his name because he did not want to be a distraction. At issue was the extent of Mudd’s involvement in the interrogation program while he was a senior CIA official in the Bush administration. The interrogation methods have been criticized by Democratic lawmakers and Obama. “I know that this position will require the full cooperation with Congress and I believe that if I continue to move forward I will become a distraction to the president and his vital agenda,” Mudd said in a statement.”

396. Obama Planned Parenthood Flip Flop - 6/5/9 The socialist-democrat party’s U.S. News & World Report division is even reporting on Obama flip flops now! HOWEVER, they say his flip flops are “for the public good!” Can you imagine them every saying that about a republican?! Here’s one they list: “He once promised Planned Parenthood that his first act as president would be to sign an abortion-rights bill into law. Now he says it is “not my highest legislative priority.”

397. Obama’s Broken Promise to Gays - 6/5/9 The Palin-Hating U.S. Blues & World Socialist Report also mentions this broken promise: “He pledged to gay activists that he would repeal the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, which allows gays to serve in the armed forces if they don’t reveal their sexual preference and gives them the assurance that no one will ask them about it. Instead, he has delayed any action to change the system.”

398. Obama Flip Flop on Letting Banks Repay Bailout Money 6/8/9 The Obama Administration now says it will allow: “some of the nation’s largest banks can pay back billions in federal aid.” From the Washington Post and Fox News. Initially Team Obama was not allowing banks, big or small, to return bailout money they no longer wanted.

399. Hillary Clinton Invites Jihadist to Tea! - 6/8/9 Fox News: “A Muslim leader invited by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to participate in a conference call after President Obama’s speech in Cairo last week once told a crowd that “the jihad way is the way to liberate your land.” Esam Omeish, a surgeon and community leader who is running for Virginia state assemblyman, made the statements in 2000 at pro-Palestinian rally where he spoke out against Israel and urged Muslims to support the Palestinian liberation movement. “We the Muslims of the Washington Metropolitan area are here today in sub-freezing temperatures to tell our brothers and sisters in (Palestine) that you have learned the way, that you have known that the jihad way is the way to liberate your land,” Omeish said, just three months into the Al-Aqsa uprising that would claim over a thousand lives through Palestinian terrorist attacks..”

400. CIA Director Disagrees with President on Releasing Terrorist Interrogation Info! -- 6/9/9 - Even Obama’s own team members disagree with him! Fox reports: “CIA Director Leon Panetta told a federal judge that releasing documents about the agency’s terror interrogations would gravely damage national security. Panetta sent a 24-page missive to New York federal judge Alvin Hellerstein, arguing that release of agency cables describing tough interrogation methods used on Al Qaeda suspects would tell the enemy far too much about U.S. counterterrorism work.” As we note in our scandal dated 4/17/9: Obama released interrogation details anyway, joining with the ACLU in an attempt to continue campaigning against George W. Bush for another four years.

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