Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Thoughts Are With Them

About six hours from now, buses will be pulling up to the Capital building in D.C. Too many of the people who step off these buses are over 50 some are going to be in their 70's and 80's.

They will have ridden a bus through the darkness all night and into the early morning hours. They will have eaten irregularly, and maybe slept sitting up. After riding 14,16, or more hours, they will spend the next 4 or 5 hours, standing in a throng, waiting in lines, and walking whatever distances they must in order to speak with their elected representatives. Then these patriots will get back onto their buses for the long ride home.

In September I heard people from my area were under taking a 23 hour ride each way. The amazing thing, I never heard of any deaths. Last year during the Hurricane Ike evacuation from the Houston area, about 15 people perished due to the stress and strain of the event. Granted the Ike evacuation involved 3 or 4 million, but the DC protest was about half that. One would think about the law of averages and those kind of things, but I never heard of 1 person dying, did any of you? Maybe God had his hand outstretched over us.

Well anyway think about these Patriots today and as they travel home this afternoon and through the night again.


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