Saturday, November 14, 2009

A New Set of Criminals

With the coming Amnesty for Illegals, Obama states a "tough" policy of tax payments and criminal background checks etc will be mandated in order to receive amnesty. Yeah right. The upcoming 18,000 page Amnesty Bill written by, someone in SEIU or Acorn, which will go unread, because it will be delivered to Congress 5 minutes before the vote, will contain more loopholes than a fisherman's net.

This isn't about fair treatment of illegals either, its a bald face ballot box stuffing scheme. Illegals or their legal relatives who can vote will certainly repay Obama in 2012.

Think about this, many illegals get paid in cash, or under the table. How are they going to come up with records to base unpaid taxes on? And for every cash payment they do document, there will be, an Americano subject to jail time for breaking the law by paying out money and not withholding payroll taxes.

If you are a democrat your chances of prosecution are going to be infinitesimal, however if you aren't you might want to have some concern. Geithner got off being a tax cheat, Daschle "miscounted" as did Sebilius, Rangel and a few other leftists.

To prove to me, this isn't about votes, the democrats should write the Amnesty Bill as not covering all 14 to 20 million illegals, perhaps a fourth of these, because this is the second go round on Amnesty. Carter was the first Gringo Amnestaist. And any citizenship so granted should not be allowed until after 2012. And lastly border fence or no border fence until the flow of illegals stop, we should never consider any form of amnesty.


1 comment:

  1. The only "fair treatment" illegals deserve is safe passage out of here!


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