Friday, November 13, 2009

TREASON! OBAMA IS THE ENEMY!...How much clearer can it be?...

Barry Soetoro, Barack Obama is guilty of Treason - By Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick III

American Grand Jury

November 13th, 2009
Barry Soetoro, Barack Obama is guilty of Treason
By Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick III

Obama must be prosecuted and severely punished for his Treason to save our Nation. You, and everyone you know must immediately and publicly file criminal complaints naming Obama in commission of Treason in an attempt to keep the Civil War already begun to the lowest level of violence possible.

Obama is a Muslim. The word Muslim is used in this writing to describe an armed invading force with the mission of destroying the United States Constitution, slaughtering you and your children and subjugating survivors. Muslims intend to take over America as part of their War to conquer the world.

Obama leads the Muslim invasion force as a foreign born domestic enemy. Obama’s Muslim invaders are augmented and reinforced from several quarters. All of Obama’s supporting forces are bent on the destruction of America.

Your failure to act at this moment ensures open combat in the streets. You’re gonna get more people killed! It may mean the death of America.

Trust me, it will be one helluva fight.

Pass the word. Your life, the lives of your children and the life of America depend on it!

Obama is my sworn enemy! Make him yours!

There isn’t more for me to say on any topic. It’s about Treason.


  1. My question is how do we get started in filing a personal complaint against the [usurper] and what does it involve?
    Is there a site which would point people in the right direction?
    thanks, Charlie from up state N.Y.

  2. Since his transferring the 9/11 Terrorist case to the US Criminal Court in NYC now manifests, as nothing has to date, that Obama is, or is acting as, Commander-in-Chief of a Fifth Column rather than of the United States of America, Robert Bauer's becoming White House Counsel is more than pivotal as to Obama's legal representation in the only remaining Constitutional Eligibility case (for damages by Keyes), Keyes v. Obama, USDC, CA -- that is, the only remaining Obama Constitutional case addressing the dual loyalties prohibition under the Article 2 "natural born citizen" (two citizen parents) requirement inserted in the Constitution to avert the very threat manifested by Obama's latest 9/11 actions.

    Assuming the Alan Keyes suit or cause of action for tort fraud against Candidate (Pre-President) Obama survives in Judge Carter’s court (e.g., leave to file second amended complaint), Bauer, in his official Government capacity as White House Counsel (as well as the Justice Dept. for that matter) cannot appropriately represent Obama in a Government capacity.

    Although service of process on Obama occurred the day before the 1/21/09 valid Oath of Office, even if service occurred after Oath of Office, Obama would not have Presidential immunity for personal torts. (Any Presidential immunity is even less than Congressional immunity.)


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