Government censorship: the video Obama operatives scrubbed
As Conservative Examiner has reported in several articles recently, the United States of America as we know it is under attack from Leftwing extremists that occupy positions of authority in the Obama White House, the Congress, and the massive unelected bureaucracy that surround them.
Government censorship of the truth is fully underway. The Obama Administration and Congress are feverishly attempting to attack, discredit, destroy, and remove any obstacle to their relentless march toward complete, unbridled power.
A video that encapsulates the danger Americans face at this hour went viral on YouTube recently. The facts contained in that video were so explosive and damning to the Leftwing that a furor of protest was mounted, along with the typical claims that the information was false, that those who produced it are 'nutcases,' and that such 'propaganda' needed to be removed from public view.
(Photo by Kevin Dietsch-Pool/Getty Images).
Yet, interestingly enough, no one has been able to refute a single fact presented in the video. No one has come forward with any proof whatsoever that anything presented in the video is false. No one has any conclusive evidence that those who produced the film are anything other than sincere, concerned, Patriotic citizens who are worried that if the present regime is allowed to continue unchecked, America as we know it is history.
Despite the frantic efforts to keep the video out of the public domain, Patriots have insured that it remain available. And it is back on the Internet--for now.
In case the minions of the Left use the vast powers at their disposal to remove the video again, Conservative Examiner will embed the film here. It is vital that citizens watch it from beginning to end.
But more importantly, it is vital that the video be circulated as widely as possible. Everyone needs to see this film before it is too late.
The window of opportunity for citizens to effectively stop the present march toward totalitarianism is quickly closing. Obama is succeeding in consolidating his power, with the help of Democrats in Congress and the mainstream media. He has already seized the auto industry, the banking industry, the mortgage industry, the healthcare industry, and if he succeeds in seizing energy and the media, both of which are proposed, then the plan will be complete and liberty will be lost forever.
Citizens would be advised not to dismiss such concerns by claiming they come from 'alarmists' or 'fear mongers.' The parallels between this Administration and the actions of Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Castro, and Chavez are striking...and frightening.
The time is now for citizens to work as never before to oust the enablers in Congress, such as Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, Blanche Lincoln, Kirsten Gillibrand, John Conyers, Steny Hoyer, Barney Frank, and a host of others who have cavorted with Obama to hamstring the liberties that are supposed to be protected in the Constitution.
A massive sweep from top to bottom in Congress MUST be implemented this November.
Here is the video--'The Obama Deception.' Here is the link to the larger screen video, at least while it's still allowed.
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