Friday, July 16, 2010

If Americans don't wake up, their country will be Socialist (devoid of the US Constution) in less than 3 years.

America conversion to Socialism about 65% complete

by DFX July 16, 2010

From Blogsphere:

Now that your body has been nationalized (or will, come 2014), one major American vehicle outlet (Government Motors) now owns your cars, your bank owned and regulated by the government, your student loans controlled by the government, and yet, there are still a few things left before the transition to Socialism (one very short step away from Marxism) is complete.

So what's left?

  • Travel/Transportation - look for new or upcoming legislation to take control of subways.
  • Food - not permitted to grow and/or sell food (Food Safety Act and/or other legislation)
  • Water - look for new or upcoming/existing legislation to control large inland and out (Gulf, Atlantic, Pacific) water ways under the guise of "water pollution"
  • Energy - And you probably already heard a lot about this one - Cap and Trade .. controlling how much energy you're allowed to have, or produce, under the guise of "Climate Change"
  • The Internet - censorship and controlled access (your opinion is given to you)

And that's the major components left to control, and once done, you will be totally dependent on a big government .. wouldn't you say? And, to think, you fell for it under the guise of "Recession" which was the result of "Never let a good manufactured crisis go to waste".

If Americans don't wake up, their country will be Socialist (devoid of the US Constution) in less than 3 years.

And, as George Soros said of the BP Oil spill - "We are now in Act II of the Drama".

1 comment:

  1. May I ask where the outrage was when Act I under the last president was started? the list of crimes is large and not just with one party; the large list of failed responsibilities lies with all the public who allow themselves to be told by the media and those who promote themselves as experts, to dictate how you shall live. The Tree of Liberty needs to be watered, are we human enough and brave enough to do what needs done?


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