Sunday, July 25, 2010

LT. COL. ALLEN WEST HAS A MESSAGE FOR Obama, Wright, Holder, Lewis, Cleaver, Black Panthers, NAACP and the Disgusting Liberal Media

Update: Allen West talks about the incident in his life that represents honor and integrity.

This is the kind of man WE ALL NEED in the house, whether it be the House of Representitives or the White House.

Cubachi- An audience member of an Allen West town hall meeting asked the Lieutenant Colonel what incident in his life would represent honor and integrity. She claims she will not vote for anyone in office unless she hears a personal account.

Allen West boldly declared that his service in Iraq 2003 was that incident. As accounted by The Weekly Standard, In Iraq 2003, a jihadist endured “harsh interrogation” by West according to the liberal media. West fired gun shots near the head of an Iraqi police officer who he suspected of witholding information of a planned attack to kill him and the 600 US soldiers he was responsible for. Of course, the Iraqi admitted his guilt and West is a hero. However, the liberal media and democrats in congress treated the lieutenant colonel like a criminal.

Instead of a medal of honor, he faced a court martial hearing that could have put him in prison. The Army fined West and relieved him of his command.

West tells us that he would do it all over again. What an honorable man! READ MORE...

NOTE-Our President and Attorney General are a total disgrace. They're both contributing to ruining and dividing this country. Hopefully, our 'dumbed down' democrat voters will finally wake up and stop drinking the kool-aid, or just stay home on election day from now on...and do the country a huge favor.

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