Saturday, July 3, 2010


Spread the word!...AKA OBAMA is a fraud!...HE MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY!...

Here is the list of reasons why Obama cannot be President and Commander-in-Chief and must be removed immediately:

  1. Questionable Allegiance to the United States. An individual must be of unquestioned allegiance to the United States to serve as President and Commander-in-Chief. Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include any involvement in any act of treason whose aim is to overthrow the Government of the United States or alter the form of government by unconstitutional means. To date, Obama has signed faux legislation which has given the government unconstitutional and unprecedented control over the auto industry, Americans’ health care decisions, and just yesterday, the banking industry. His next goal is to legalize between 12,000,000 and 20,000,000 illegal immigrants, which is unconstitutional on its face and will bankrupt the country. He further has failed to take action on the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, instead choosing to go out on the town with his wife and play golf on Saturdays. While the waters, air, marine life and people are being poisoned by this disastrous spill, Obama fails to act in the interest of saving the nation from what could be the worst possible disaster in American history. Therefore, his allegiance to this country is in serious question.
  2. Foreign Influence. Contacts with citizens of other countries or financial interests in other countries are relevant to security determination if they make an individual potentially vulnerable to coercion, exploitation or pressure. For example, if an immediate family member is a citizen of a foreign country or is a person to whom the individual has close ties of affection or obligation, that is reason for concern. Obama’s father, paternal grandmother, and cousin have Arabic and Muslim ties abroad. He campaigned for his cousin, Raila Odinga, in Kenya, and continues to interfere in Kenyan politics. Obama spent the formative years of his life in a predominantly Muslim country and very likely still is a Muslim. He reportedly admitted as much to the Egyptian Foreign Minister earlier this year.
  3. Foreign Preference. Acting in such a way as to indicate preference of a foreign country over the United States, including the exercise of dual citizenship, use of a foreign passport, accepting educational benefits from a foreign country, etc.
  4. Emotional, mental and personality disorders. Such as a pattern of high risk, irresponsible, aggressive, anti-social or emotionally unstable behavior, and/or information that suggests that the individual’s current behavior indicates a defect in his or her judgment or reliability. Some say that Obama has Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and there is clear evidence that he is a pathological liar, particularly when it comes to our allies around the world.
  5. Personal Conduct. Includes refusal to complete required security forms, releases, or provide full, frank and truthful answers to questions. For openers, Mr. Obama, where’s the birth certificate, and I don’t mean the forged “Certification of Live Birth” online. And, what about the rest of your biographical records?
  6. Financial Considerations. Includes deceptive or illegal financial practices and other intentional breaches of trust. There are reports that Obama has had numerous social security numbers throughout his life. For what purpose? I’m guessing financial fraud. This issue has been raised in serious news forums, and White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has refused to address it.
  7. Alcohol and Drug Involvement. Improper or illegal involvement with drugs, including any drug abuse. There are credible reports, even from Obama himself, that he used crack cocaine and furnished/sold cocaine to another.
  8. Criminal Conduct. Allegations or admissions of criminal conduct, regardless of whether the person was formally charged. Obama could be guilty of a long of transgressions, including fraud, wire fraud, forgery, perjury, bribery of public officials, narcotics violations, etc.
  9. Security Violations. Noncompliance with security regulations, including unauthorized disclosure of classified information. What about his misuse and defeat of national security interests by withholding and covering up who he is?
  10. Outside Activities. Any service, whether compensated, volunteered or while employed with any foreign, domestic or international organization or person engaged in intelligence, defense, foreign affairs or protected technology. There is a report that Obama was employed by the CIA as a “go-between” with Al-Qaeda? As if that’s not enough, what about Obama’s well-documented socialist, Marxist and communist ties?
  11. Misuse of Information Technology Systems. Includes illegal or unauthorized entry into any information technology system, and illegal or unauthorized modification, destruction, manipulation, or denial of access to information residing in an information technology system. It is well-known that Obama’s passport file was breached and possibly sanitized by those trying to protect his identity/passport record to be disclosed to the public; there are at least two Document Locator Numbers for his Selective Service registration; and all of his educational records have been sealed. Now, Mr. Dasey and the United States Army, please tell me how Lt. Col. Terry Lakin should be investigated and possibly punished, but not Barack Obama! And tell me how this man, Barack Obama, whose real name is Barry Soetoro, can be Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States! Tell me who the real patriot is here! I tell you, Mr. Dasey, something is very, very wrong at the highest levels of our government, our courts, and in our military, and the very existence of our country as we knew it is at stake.

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