Friday, August 13, 2010


ITV Living Scoop:
Do you think that President Obama is actually a Muslim?
Robert Spencer:
I don't know. He doesn't tell me. But, I think that Barack Obama, if he were a Muslim, he would not be behaving in any way differently from how he is behaving. Certainly we know that in his earliest childhood he was known as a Muslim. He was registered as a Muslim in school, in primary school in Indonesia. The school records are extant. And he, by his own account, attended Qur'an classes which were only open to Muslims, and so Barack Obama was a Muslim as a child. He has never explained when or whether he left Islam at all. He identifies himself as a Christian now, but it is, I think perhaps salient to note that a Muslim can identify himself as a Christian because Jesus Christ is a Muslim Prophet in the Qur'an and the Muslims consider themselves to be the true Christians as well as the true Jews who are following the true teachings of Jesus and of Moses. And so, it's not out of the realm of possibility that some individual or possibly Barack Obama could be a Muslim and identifying himself as a Christian without even meaning to say that he is a member of the classic Christian tradition at all. Now, of course he's never been questioned about this. He's never been challenged about this, so ultimately, only he knows the answer as to what he really believes. But certainly, his public policies and his behavior are consistent with his being a committed and convinced Muslim.

1 comment:

  1. "...a Muslim can identify himself as a Christian because Jesus Christ is a Muslim Prophet in the Qur'an and the Muslims consider themselves to be the true Christians...Obama could be a Muslim and identifying himself as a Christian without even meaning to say that he is a member of the classic Christian tradition at all...." ******* IMO, BO doesn't say he's Christian out of belief that Muslims were the "true" Christians. Have you not heard of the Muslim term "taqiyya"? It means Muslims are permitted, even encouraged, in the Koran to deceive infidels by pretending they are Christian whenever doing so would benefit Muslims or the cause of Islam, especially in helping Muslims overtake infidels.


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