Sunday, August 8, 2010


Lindsey Graham uses the “Golden Rule” to vote for Kagan

CNSNews: “It is divine in its orientation, and it is probably something that would serve us all well if we thought about it at moments such as this,” Sen. Graham said on the Senate floor, as he pointed his colleagues to the Golden Rule and counseled them to look to the wisdom of “somebody far wiser than I am” as they cast their votes on Kagan.
“But at the end of the day, those of us in the Senate have to understand that every branch of government includes human beings and there is a rule that stood the test of time,” said Sen. Graham in an August 3 Senate floor speech. “I didn't make this one up. It was somebody far wiser than I am, somebody far more gifted than I ever hope to be, somebody I put a lot of trust in.

“It is called the Golden Rule,” said Graham. “‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ That is probably one of the most powerful statements ever made. It is divine in its orientation, and it is probably something that would serve us all well if we thought about it at moments such as this. "

This is gall on a magnitude I have never seen before. Imagine, a conservative confirming a pro-abortion justice because he believes that liberals will someday return the favor. Was this idiot playing footsie under the men’s room stall during the Bork confirmation process?

The next time Graham wants to use the Lord’s teachings to decide upon judicial confirmations, he might want to try this one:
“Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s” (Matthew 22:21)
In other words Mr. Graham, you can horse trade away certain ideological principles but when it comes to life, “someone far wiser” has already told you what to do.

I hope in 2014 when Mr. Graham is up for re-election the conservative voters of South Carolina will follow The Golden Rule and screw over Lindsey Graham just as he has repeatedly screwed over conservative.

Via: CNSNews
Via: Cassy Fiano

1 comment:

  1. Talk about using the Lord's Name in vain!
    Is there no low these sellouts won't go?


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