Sunday, August 15, 2010

Obama Supported the Ground Zero Mosque, 24 Hours Later he Doesn't (kind of)

by the Left Coast Rebel

Friday night Obama approved of the construction of the Ground Zero Mosque on property rights and religious freedom grounds:

This issue frankly doesn't make me happy to write about in the least. Neither does watching the cold, Spock-like Manchurian actor above. Also, perhaps my friend Wesley M. says it better than I ever could.

For now we will set aside the issue of religious freedom and focus on private property rights.

Progressive-collectivists love to invoke 'private property rights' when it suits their purposes. But they use the iron fist of eminent domain, zoning laws and the mob of political correctness when it doesn't. For moral relativists and collectivist like Obama property rights, along with other issues is just a means to an end.

As a conservative-libertarian, the mosque issue is deeply troubling to me. On one hand, I support laissez faire, 100% unabridged, pure property rights. No exception, no infringement of this right.

And on the other hand is the sheer lunacy of construction of a mosque near hallowed ground where nearly 3000 people died because of a distortion of Islam - violent jihad. Can we separate mainstream Islam from it's distortion? Or is it not worth the risk? 70% of Americans sure don't think so. Neither do I and friends too.

And what about this radical Imam behind the Ground Zero mosque that refuses to denounce Hamas?

So what do we do? Start a multi-million dollar fund to buy the land of the proposed site? Ignore property rights concerns?

But I digress. As my thoughts seem to wander a bit, Obama today backtracked on the mosque issue as well. He stated this (The Hill):

“That's what our country is about."Obama said Friday that Muslims shouldn’t be forbidden from building a mosque on account of where it’s located.

On Saturday, Obama admitted it was a “difficult” issue, but said his stand was consistent with American values.
“I think it's very important as difficult as some of these issues are that we stay focused on who we are as a people and what our values are all about,” he said, according to the pool report

“I was not commenting and I will not comment on the wisdom of making the decision to put a mosque there. I was commenting very specifically on the right people have that dates back to our founding.”
And just why won't the Obamanation comment on the 'wisdom' of the Ground Zero mosque? That is a shocking contradiction to what he unequivocally stated yesterday.

With this man there is nothing there. Manchurian marbles bouncing inside a straw man's skull. He thought that he could back away just a bit from the (tiny crack) in the door open from last night's statement. Hence, "I will not comment on the wisdom of making the decision to put a mosque there."

But I think the American people see through such pawning of an incredibly sensitive issue and nearly as jarring as Obama's shout-out to friends before addressing the Fort Hood terrorist shooting incident.

End result?

70% of the nation surely was upset by his Ramadan Iftar dinner statement yesterday, now the nutroots and communist left joins the party as well.

It's too late for Obama to change his vote to present.

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