Monday, August 16, 2010

Video--the 9/11 mosque and the religious liberty fallacy

Apologists for the Muslim extremists who wish to build a mosque near the site of the 9/11 attacks use the 'religious liberty' argument to justify their support. The argument is a fallacy and a red herring.

Barack Obama, during a news conference at a Muslim celebration of Ramadan at the White House during which he expressed support for the mosque, stated that 'Muslims have a right to religious liberty like everyone else,' as if someone is attempting to deny them such liberties.

(Getty Images).

No one has remotely suggested that Muslims in this country be denied the right to practice their religion, provided it is not connected to extremist Islamic terrorist groups, although such extremists do, in fact, operate mosques all over the country.

Obama's notion that this is about religious liberty is contradicted by the fact that in New York City alone there are scores of mosques. No one has been denied their religious liberty.

Supporters of the mosque, such NYC Mayor Bloomberg, the NYC government, Florida Governor Charlie Crist, Senator Chuck Schumer, and others have jumped on the 'religious liberty' bandwagon, desperately attempting to frame the argument in terms of freedom while seeking to hide the fact that no Muslim in this country has been denied the right to religious expression.

Simply put, the issue is not religious liberty but the appropriateness of building a large high-rise mosque and Islamic center in the shadow of Ground Zero, where 3000 people lost their lives due to the senseless, barbaric actions of Muslim extremists.

The Muslim imam who is behind the push to build the mosque has significant connections with some of the most extremist factions within Islam--including Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and Hamas--along with ties to Saudi Arabia and the oil producing countries of OPEC, most of which are governed by Sharia law--the hallmark of fundamentalists and extremists within Islam. Add into the mix the imam's close connections with CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood, both of which have a history of being front-groups for overseas Islamic terrorists.

Funding for the multi-million-dollar mosque will come from these sources.

In addition, just after the 9/11 attacks, the very Muslim imam who wishes to build the mosque stated in a TV interview that America shares in the blame for the deaths of the 3000 who lost their lives at Ground Zero--while conveniently failing to condemn the radical Muslim extremists who perpetrated the attacks.

There is much more to the building of this mosque than what meets the eye.

Yet Obama, Bloomberg, and others who support this slap in the face to the victims of 9/11 claim it's all about religious liberty. Not so, not when 3000 people lost their lives to Muslim terrorists a few feet away.

Such a structure would be a shining victory to those in the Muslim world who cheered when the Twin Towers fell--a symbol to Islamic extremists the world over of their triumph over America by murdering in cold blood 3000 people.

70% of the American people oppose the building of that mosque. A clear majority of New Yorkers oppose it as well. If this affront to all sensible Americans is allowed to go through, the citizens MUST not forget in November who is allowing it happen.

If ever there were a patriotic reason to oppose Obama and his Democratic enablers in Congress, this is it. It is now safe to refer to such persons as anti-American.

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