Thursday, August 5, 2010

...and what if just 6 million Americans marched on Washington and demanded to see Obama's Birth Certificate?...

What If 60 Million Americans Signed a Petition to Repeal Obama Care?
By Ron Ewart Full Story

We have been advocating for years that if the American people would just focus on ONE ISSUE that is representative of the destruction of America by this Administration and Congress, and they did so by the millions, that issue would be resolved in days.

1 comment:

  1. Two days ago, a federal judge declared California's ban on same-sex marriage (Proposition 8) unconstitutional - overturning the votes of 7 million citizens and using no right in law to do so.

    Yes, we need concerted action, and it would be successful in a constitutionally mandated society.

    Hasn't anyone noticed? We no longer have a Constitution - and we certainly do not have a leader. Party politicians will always be party politicians - and they're just aching to be reelected. Same old, same old!

    Party politics will be the death of America.

    What is needed is a constitutional congress whose only purpose in life is the preservation of a Consitutional America and all that it means. But we need a Winston Churchill - a man of the people...and we need him/her right now.

    It's later than we think!


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