Thursday, January 20, 2011

This is becoming a humorous spectacle. First they can’t find the documents; Abercrombie admitted there is “no” long-form certificate on file; now they (whoever “they” are) says “they have found evidence in the Hawaii Archive that shows Obama to be born in Hawaii, that he is a US Citizen and that makes him eligible to be president.”
Nice try Neil, but no cigar. First off, hearsay and news articles claiming that Hawaii has the documentation doesn’t hold up in a Court of Law. Secondly, just being a citizen is not the issue; being a United States “natural born” Citizen is the requirement; it is not subject to negotiation or debate. If Obama can prove he was born in the United States of two US Citizen parents then he qualifies as “natural born.” If he is simply a citizen as stated by the “they” in Hawaii then he does NOT qualify according to the United States Constitution. Obama is still a fraud until he proves otherwise.
The entire argument made by the liberal media and the Obots is that Obama is a “citizen.” They never talk about the “natural born” requirement for selfish reasons. To do so would expose their entire argument as invalid. Read the Constitution folks. It states in plain English that Obama doesn’t qualify as a mere mortal citizen.
Source: NY Daily

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