Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What Have They Done?

© Bridgette WTPOTUS 2010

Sit-up and Take Notice of What They’ve Done!

Sit, Breathe, Read, and Scream!

When we thought we were getting ahead of the Marxist games, we didn’t know how far behind we were.  Following  is one of the most  eye-opening     articles that you’ll read.   With all our scouring of the web for information and news, analysis of how the puzzle was being put together,  research of people, investigations of  individuals, corporations,  and associates,   we missed a few thousand signals.  How did that happen?
A complicit  lap-dog media has contributed immensely.  The warnings from the once normal media investigative watchdogs were and are absent.  Those  who used to keep us abreast of  activities happening within the government  in Washington have failed.  This lack of alerts allowed the American people to elect an illegal alien, an undocumented worker, and more than likely a  foreigner,  to lead our  country to her demise.  Their complicity and propaganda  has allowed the Democrats to follow and  install a  radical, foreign agenda  linked to  Marxism, Socialism, and Communism.

Congress failed to hear the warnings of the people.  Congress failed to represent us.   They were held hostage by an evil administration who misrepresented what they were doing, twisted the truth,  and used every devious plan and plot to succeed with their pre-written agenda.   We called our representatives, faxed, phoned, wrote, petitioned, and no avail.   Lawsuits upon lawsuits were presented to courts throughout the nation.  No judge listened and heard the evidence.   No American has standing.   No judge stood for the People.    We were ignored and they were deaf to our words.    In the body that is supposed to represent and protect us from a tyrannical government,  not one person stood up for We the People.  Not One.   Why?   We were sounding the alarm.  Over and over the alarms were wailing.   No one has answered the signals.   Instead  we were  dismissed, disrespected, threatened,  and belittled.
This administration has risked, endangered and compromised our national sovereignty, our  national security,  and economy.  They have  crippled our financial sector,  bashed our traditions,  mocked our soldiers and  military, lessened our defenses, threatened our  health-care,  food production, and  job development.  They have squandered our wealth and redistributed it without our  permission.  Most of all,  they have attempted to diminish this nation’s  superiority in the world.
They have lived up to their name Progressives…for they have progressed according to their ideology, not the ideology of the free world’s and ours.  The DemocRats  passed their unconstitutional Obamacare, repealed DADT,  regulated the banking industry, regulated our Food Supply,  put terrorists rights above citizen’s rights, spent billions on  jobless projects,  paid off multiple corrupt countries ,  seized multiple banks,  and  took over the car industry,   regulated the internet,  attacked the transportation industry, forced people to undergo demeaning pat downs or revealing x-rays under the guise of security, coddled Muslims and denounced  Christians,  attacked a Federal state,  protected illegals  instead of  U.S. citizens, allowed lawlessness and corruption to reign, demoralized our troops,  stripped the Gulf of its industries,  closed down economically producing entities, and have future land grabs in mind.    They have turned our society upside down and inside out and pitted the bad against the good.   Those are just a few of their accomplishments in the past two  years.   Honor, integrity, justice, and pride were replaced with their opposites by cowards,  misfits, and radical anti-Americans.   They have proven they are willing to do anything, ANYTHING, to get their agenda installed and they have lied, cheated, and stolen to get it done..against our will and our Constitution.
What else has  happened without our knowledge?  What else has been hidden from us?  I guess we will have to read those bills to see what they “slipped”  into them.   Their undoing and dismantling is about to begin.
The U.S.  Secretary to the Senate for 26 years, Elizabeth Letchworth,  and founder of  wrote an article for the Daily Caller  about Obama’s out of control regulators.    Are you ready to read the statistics?

Congress can stop Obama’s out-of-control regulators

According to a George Washington University study, the Obama administration issued 16,200 regulations in 2009!
In comparison,  just 28,400 regulations were issued in the period from April 1996 through December 2000.   If this doesn’t get your jaw dropping, a 57% increase in the staffing and the federal funds devoted to developing and enforcing federal regulations should have you shaking your head.
Also, in order to get an accurate picture of regulators run amok, you need to add to these 16,200 regulations the thousands of regulations included in the financial reform bill, the food safety bill and the health care bill, all passed in 2010. Finally, a full picture of regulators on steroids can be plainly seen if you also add the final weeks in December 2010, when Obama’s regulators continued to issue rules and vote on regulations that had been defeated or vigorously opposed in Congress.
Over the Christmas weekend, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid services issued a new regulation that provides payments to doctors who conduct end-of-life counseling with their patients, the re-birth of the so-called “death panels.”
Readers may remember that these provisions were taken out of the Obamacare bill during the negotiations with Congress in the early spring of 2010. Members of Congress objected because many believed end-of-life care should be left to families and not forced on us by our federal government. The president agreed to drop the “death panels” and thus the legislative language was removed before passage of the bill.
When President Obama skirted the Senate confirmation process by recess-appointing the head of CMS in July 2010Senators cried foul again and said the appointee, Administrator Donald Berwick, would resurrect death panels. [He did!]

During Christmas week, on Dec. 21, 2010, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) gave itself the power to establish rules regulating Internet service providers. The federal government will now safeguard our use of the Internet, protecting us from Internet providers that have never shown any indication that they will restrict our Internet access. This regulation has been dubbed “net neutrality.”

These are just two of the latest moves by Obama’s regulators and need to be added to the massive list of other rules and regulations that are being written on a weekly basis by our federal agencies.
Congress can and should start using the “Congressional Review Act” to stop this overreach by the Obama administration and wean regulators off the steroids they seem to be on.  Using the Congressional Review Act will do just that.    The CRA was designed back in 1996 to combat Clinton administration regulators, after they created a number of expensive regulations dealing with workplace ergonomics. The business community went nuts over the regulations, which prompted Congress to create a process by which regulations can be made null and void, even after they are already in place.
The Congressional Review Act works like this.
First, all agencies must report to Congress a concise statement describing the rule and the effective date of the new regulation. Members of both chambers of Congress have 60 days to introduce a joint resolution disapproving of the rule.   The joint resolution is then sent to the appropriate committee, where timetables for debate and consideration take over.  Full Senate debate is required at a certain point and can’t be blocked or ignored by the Senate majority leader. Debate in the Senate is limited to 10 hours, with no ability to alter the text. A simple majority vote is all that is required to pass the disapproval resolution in both the House and Senate.     If both chambers pass it, the joint resolution is sent to the president for his approval or veto. This is where the rubber meets the road!    [It is We the People vs. Obama! ]


Our Patience HAS Ended!

We Have Had Enough!

My thoughts and recommendations:  Demand that Congress repeal every single bill that this administration has changed or passed.    Challenge every administrative directive, rule, and regulation.   If it isn’t good for the country…eliminate it!  The Congress has no money to spend, so they can spend their time removing all the destructive regulations that were put in place by the  Democrat/Progressive  destroyers of our country.
Demand an investigation into LTC. Lakin’s court martial and those who railroaded him.   Stop the spending or funding of the monies that are  unused in the Stimulus, Tarp, and Omnibus bills.    Find the Democrats slush fund and eliminate it.   (It was designed by Barney Frank and Chris Dodd to use returned TARP funds).   Use the money to lower the deficit.
Demand that the  FEC  begin their investigation of Obama’s election fraud, and demand a report regarding all of  the foreign donors to his campaign.
Defund every new agency, and demand an accounting  and reorganization of other ones.    Eliminate the excess personnel in agencies and departments.
Take control of the unconstitutional  Czars and demand to know their responsibilities, their authority,  and salaries.   Find out what they were hired to do and what they have done.    For example, the car czar, and Cass Sunstein.
Remove the anti-Americans,  clean out the White House and all of those that have corrupted our government.    Every Republican Committee should start investigations.  Start the investigations beginning with the unconstitutional pResident…get the documents or he can be physically removed to the nearest jail.   Reinstall the Un-American Activities Committee and begin to investigate those in the White House.  True Americans can provide lists.
Pass legislation that will identify  the  true enemies of the United States   as those who are anti-Americans,  communists, socialists,  Marxists and Muslim terrorists.   Remove the group known as the Tea Partiers from Napolitano’s Enemies Right- Wing Extremist List.  Round- up and hold hearings on the  ideologues, and indict them for their treasonous activities including those in the DOJ and Homeland Security.   Put Inspector General Walpin back to work!
Pass legislation ensuring that our  troops are called Americans and not combined with,  nor called,  NATO troops.  This is  Obama’s latest twist on demoralizing and weakening our military.  Pass legislation that no major changes to our military or defenses are to be changed or weakened during war time.
Hire and assign several  Inspector General’s to investigate Soros’ financial dealings and his activities within the United States, especially regarding the economic crash in 2008, and funding of leftist organizations that are intent on bringing down our government.
Call for a report of the national security breach within the State Department.
Remove Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals from the required reading lists put out by the National Education Association.  Require that the NEA remove all subversive materials from their reading lists.
Review all  agency responsibilities and eliminate those responsibilities that are not assigned to them by law.
Ensure and enforce that other nation’s flags will not be flown in our United States by others.    (Government functions  are excused ).   This is our country!   Assimilate or leave.
Revamp the qualifications for organizations or associations to receive grant monies.   Indepth reviews on organizations must be performed and approved prior to disbursement of funds.    Organizations and its tentacle organizations that are related or were rebranded by ACORN must be denied.   States must  approve the organizations in their states. Only after their thorough  investigations and approval, can those organization’s applications be sent to  the federal government for grant review.
Challenge the ethics committee to do their duty and review the cases they have before them that have been ignored.  For example, Obama’s violation of the Logan Act.   Obama’s violation of being involved in another country’s elections, i.e., Kenya.   Who approved monies being sent to Kenya to influence their new constitution?  Who has oversight over funding and approval?
That is an agenda that I  can accept.  Those are some of  my thoughts, ideas, recommendations,  and demands, what are yours?

Let’s Keep Up the Pressure on Our New Congress!

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