Monday, February 7, 2011

Security Detail For Gabrielle Giffords

According to a very reliable source Gabrielle Giffords has a security detail guarding her at Houston TIRR Memorial that would rival the security escort of the Queen of England.

Today no less than 5 police cars were parked in front of TIRR where Giffords is undergoing physical therapy. It can be extrapolated that an around the clock guard detail seven days a week would involve at least 21 police officers. That would be 3 shifts of 5 Monday to Friday plus another 40% to cover Saturday and Sunday. That is 21 policemen.

Actually the count could be higher, because the 5 police cars could be staffed with 2 officers each, so the staffing is more like 21-42 officers. This contingent is only the contribution made by Houston Police Department. The FBI, Secret Service and/or the Capitol Police Department could very well have a detail assigned as well.

TIRR like any hospital maintains a private security detail of it's own, which would protect Giffords just like any other patient registered at TIRR.

When Giffords first arrived in Houston, she had a neuro drain tube which required attention prior to beginning her therapy. When Giffords was shuttled to and from the second hospital which performed the procedure, her security motorcade consisted of several police cruisers and a police helicopter flying top cover for her.

Is Giffords royalty or is she a citizen who was elected from a district of fellow citizens?

Obama does owe her a debt of gratitude, because of her Obama received a 10 point bounce in the polls, he had center stage during his Tucson 2012 election kickoff, and his garbage media had a golden opportunity to slime Palin.

as a citizen of the Houston metro area, personally I'd rather have those 20-40 officers going after MS13 and the armed robbers than sitting in Gabby's doorway drinking coffee and eating doughnuts. The police here are paid between 40,000 and 60,000 a year, and if Giffords is in rehab for 6 months, that is going to be a nice tab for the people of Houston to pick up.

Unless Jarred Loughner has escaped from the Tucson jail, it is my opinion these extravgant measures are way out of line and the law enforcement resources could be put to far better use protecting the general public, instead of protecting Her Majesty, the Princess of Tucson.


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