Monday, May 9, 2011


Intelligence Reasons bin Laden Raid Account Not Credible
byJames Roger Brown
Sociologist, Intelligence Collection and Analysis Methodologist

The reason we have intelligence agencies, intelligence collection, and intelligence analysis is to determine what our enemies are doing. In the name of the War on Terror we have captured and tortured at Guantanamo cab drivers, cooks, and people in the wrong place at the wrong time since it was established in 2002. At secret rendition sites around the world we have tortured and interrogated alleged terrorist leaders. We have purportedly squeezed all the useful intelligence we can from everyone we have gotten our hands on. Among the stated goals for all of this has been the prevention of future terrorist acts that were being planned.

Now, we are informed Osama bin Laden was captured alive, unarmed and promptly executed with two shots to the head. Unlike every other captured terrorist, he was not interrogated about the planning of future terrorist acts. He was not interrogated about the identities of the command staff of the world wide terrorist organization he commanded. He was not interrogated about the command, control, and communications methods of his world wide terrorist organization. He was not interrogated about the economic operations of his world wide terrorist organization. He was not interrogated about the identities of any Pakistani government officials or members of the Pakistani military and intelligence apparatus who were aiding and abetting him. He was not interrogated about courier recognition codes. He was not even interrogated about the passwords for his computers and files.

Any intelligence professional or military officer who thinks executing the single most important terrorist intelligence information source on the planet without obtaining the answer to a single question and simply seizing his computers a positive outcome is literally an incompetent fool. You would think not even a Kenyan fraudster and internet scammer would be this stupid. I guess not.

Both the source of the order to execute the unarmed alleged Osama bin Laden after he had been taken into custody and the SEAL stupid enough to carry out the order should be prosecuted under appropriate Federal Code for doing irreparable harm to United States national security interests. An indelible example needs to be set for this level of intelligence gross negligence and gross incompetence that will dissuade anyone repeating it in the future.

In addition to this imbecilic fiasco, we are told that after two rehearsals heroic SEALs carried out the raid flawlessly. In fact, the result was another intelligence fiasco. You would think that after rehearsing the raid, these consummate professionals could avoid flying a multimillion dollar highly classified stealth helicopter into a compound wall and leaving the wreckage behind for foreign intelligence services, who are no doubt much more competent than evidenced by these events, to scavenge and reverse engineer.

The account of the raid and alleged execution of Osama bin Laden is either an utter falsehood or, if true, demonstrates the need to remove every member of the Obama administration who had anything to do with planning and executing the raid. This is a double intelligence fiasco that rivals the arrogance related intelligence failures at the end of the Vietnam War. Way to go geniuses!

All the purported authenticating drivel trivia released subsequent to the “glorious” raid, such as the heartwarming bin Laden home movies, is nothing but a current application of the adage, “If you cannot dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull shit.” There is nothing brilliant in this double example of intelligence bungling and next to nothing that serves the national security and intelligence interests of the United States.

If whoever lived in that compound was running a world-wide operation of any kind with the equipment that was there, the United States Government should have found out what management principles he was using before executing him because they were several orders of magnitude more effective government management tools than anyone in Washington knows about.

© Copyrighted by James Roger Brown May 7, 2011. All rights reserved.

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