Monday, May 23, 2011

Citizens for the Constitution;
On August 21, 2010, Barack Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) went on record saying: "The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide."
In November, 2010, Rush Limbaugh was heard to say: “We Have An Imposter In The White House!”
Most Americans keep asking the rhetorical question: “Why would Obama produce such a blatantly fraudulent document for a Birth Certificate that even a 5th grader can prove it’s a cheap forgery?”
But the rhetorical question of the day should really be: “Why would the American people (and Congress) accept such a blatantly forged Birth Certificate as proof of anything but TREASON, and not call for IMPEACHMENT – NOW?”
As you can see from the recent interview below with LCDR Walter Fitzpatrick III (USN Ret.), Obama has, by his silence concerning the twice presented formal charges of Treason, already conceded* his ineligibility and that the charges of Treason are true and correct, giving one more reason to ask the rhetorical question, why is Congress (the members of the House must initiate it) not calling for IMPEACHMENT – NOW?
In Liberty.
Neil B. Turner Citizens for the Constitution
“Qui tacet consentire” (Silence equals consent).
"The Constitution matters. The truth matters."LTC Terry Lakin

1 comment:

  1. Rush's famous quote, the video:


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