Sunday, May 22, 2011

From the blogosphere...

3 years ago it was my gut feeling that Obama was not the child of SAD but rather that Malcom X paid SAD and paid Obama Senior to front for the baby. That is where all the money was coming from. SAD was a confirmed Communist believer so she could be trusted and then she was paid handsomely for the it. Probably the communist Marshall made the arrangements with Malcom X. That is why Marshall was such a mentor. Also explains why Obama wound up in Muslim school in Indonesia. Baby Obama was the money ticket for the Dunham family. 

The plan was for SAD to go to Kenya to pick up the baby and run it back to Hawaii to make arrangements for the fake BC. That was why SAD and mother went to Hawii in the first place. It was arranged early. Everyone knew that was the way to get the baby back into USA with citizenship. 

I was saying way before the 2008 election that Obama was a dead ringer for Malcom X and looked nothing like Obama Sr. And that Sr and SAD never had a real romantic relationship. It was all business.
We will probably never really know what happened. But any way you look at it. Obama is not a NBC born of 2 citizen parents on the soil of USA. Even if Malcom X is the daddy, SAD is still not the mommy.
Obama cremated grandma Dunham so to avoid any DNA testing. I am not even convinced that momma and grandma dunham are dead. I don’t believe anything from Obama.

1 comment:

  1. I don't believe anything from him either, and I agree he resembles Malcolm X quite a bit, but he also looks like SAD and her father. I believe he was born in Kenya, but to SAD. The resemblance is too strong for him not to be her child.


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