Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Good Lord Giveth, and The Good Lord Taketh Away

Obama doesn't want to let us spike the football, but he feels quite at home taking the victory lap.

Today was NYC's turn for the Obama 2012 campaign to visit the Big Apple, using 911 as his excuse.

No no photos of dead Bin Laden, we must assume our posture of dhimitudation inferior to the Muslims.

Who here thinks withholding Bin Laden's photo is the right thing. ??? One? Two? Well you're wrong. Al Qaeda already has a dead Bin Laden photo they can show to the faithful. We even put one up here on this site. The photo apparently was one that was staged and put on the Internet a couple years ago. Do you think your basic Ahkmed is going to give a crap about that? Hell no, to them Bin Laden is next to Mo hammed practically, even a dead Bin Laden sketch by the West would be insult enough for these jihadist wannabes.

Obama has the country on the defensive in this war on terror. His people are telling the sheeple, not to do anything that could make it worse for our soldiers or overseas contingents. Earth to Obama, it's as bad as it could already get. It's time to be the hitter instead of the hittee.

Al Qaeda supposedly threatens to detonate a revenge nuke in Bin Laden's name, we should answer that with a threat of a batch of hidden nukes of our own, say around Mecca, Medina, and Jedda. If Al Qaeda murdered a half million of us, wouldn't that warrant full scale war against Islam? What are we pussy footing around for, running scared. The Muslims need to be set straight, it should be communicated it's 1000 of theirs for every 1 of ours. Guaranteed they'd stop it. They would hang the jihadists in their midsts themselves. This isn't the first time Islam tangled with the West. Spain dealt with the Moors and gave them such a good what for, so much so, they stayed the hell away for several hundred years.

That BS about wanting to die in order to reach paradise sooner, that didn't hold one ounce of water during Desert Storm, when the Iraqi soldiers were surrendering to unarmed drones flying overhead. They were on their knees kissing the boots of our soldiers, begging for their lives. Were these not Muslims too ??

The other thing I wanted to mention, was Obama's meeting with 911 families today. Obama's advance people really dropped the ball, because in the group of 911 family members was one of Obama's most ardent detractors, Debra Burlingame Esq. As Obama was making the rounds to the various tables, he came up to Ms Burlingame, where she at first thanked him for the Bin Laden raid, then identified herself as a detractor.

If you know about Burlingame, you know she is also one of the leaders working against the Ground Zero Mosque,

Burlingame told Obama, she wanted Obama to tell Eric Holder he supported the CIA interrogators, the group that got this Bin Laden lead, the group Holder is investigating for prosecutorial charges of torture. Obama flatly refused Burlingame, then turned on his heel and walked off.

So much for Obama's true feelings towards these heroes.

This is so political. Obama stands on the podium congratulating the Military and the CIA , all the while holding one hand behind his back with his fingers crossed, to show unity with his crazed Left .

As I had mentioned in a different piece, this time around the campaign circuit, the deck won't be stacked full of Obama supporters, as the "Obama townhalls" have been these past two years. Obama is going to run head on into a bunch of Debra Burlingames.

Today during the victory lap, the Good Lord Tooketh Away.


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