Friday, May 13, 2011

Mexicans Who Happen to be Living in America Demand Racial-Grievance Studies

May 13th, 2011 Don Feder,

Multiculturalism, which used to be merely noxious, has become a raging infection which poses as much of a threat to America as the national debt or terrorism — before Osama assumed room temperature.
Recently, a gang of ethnocentric thugs took over a meeting of the governing board of the Tucson, Arizona, Unified School District, chaining themselves to desks, screaming slogans, and chasing board members from the room.

They were enraged by an attempt to make a course that teaches history “from a Mexican-American perspective” optional instead of a substitute for a required course in U.S. history.
The Mexican American Studies Program incites approximately 1,700 middle-and high-school students in the district annually.

After an investigation, Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne determined that the basic theme of the curriculum (AKA: Raza — “the race” — Studies) is that Hispanic students “were and continue to be victims of a racist American society driven by the interests of middle- and upper-class whites.”
Classrooms in which this pedagogy is perpetrated are decorated with pictures of such Latino “heroes” as Castro and Che Guevara.

Textbooks refer to citizens of this country as “Anglos” or “Euroamericans” (rather than Americans) and include such gems as an essay by one Robert Jensen, which claims Thanksgiving is a “white supremacist holiday” that should be replaced by a “National Day of Atonement” for gringo sins against people of color.
The introductory chapter promises: “We will see how half of Mexico (California, Texas and the Southwest)the Alamo and killing its defenders to the last man. was ripped off by trickery and violence. We will see how Chicanos became a colonized people. In the process of being colonized, we were robbed of land and other resources.” The nerve of those Texans, tricking Santa Anna into attacking

In violation of a recently enacted Arizona law, the curriculum promotes the overthrow of the United States government and “resentment toward a race or class of people,” is “designed primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic group” and advocates “ethnic solidarity instead of treatment of pupils as individuals.”
The multiculturalist assault on America is multifaceted.

In 2010, on Cinco de Mayo (which celebrates the Mexican army’s 1862 victory over the French – big whoopee), a group of patriotic students at the Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, California, were sent home for wearing American-flag t-shirts. Assistant Principal Miguel Rodriguez is said to have….
Read more.

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