Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Obama Can’t Keep His Osama Stories — or Anything Else — Straight

May 11th, 2011 Michael Oberndorf,

The current occupant of the White House and his unindicted co-conspirators can’t seem to get their lies straight. Their versions of the alleged killing of Osama bin Laden are conflicting, contradictory, and constantly changing. And the biggest lie of all is that Obama-Soetoro had jack to do with the operation. In one of the most disgusting displays of narcissistic braggadocio I have ever had the bad fortune to witness, the Prevaricator-in-Chief gave one of his most egregious I-Me-I-Me harangues, claiming total credit for the obvious hard, patriotic work of many of his betters, including the hated George W. Bush.
Then, he claims he doesn’t want to offend the sensibilities of Muslims by releasing pictures of the dead murderer of 3,000 Americans. This from a provocateur who, in 2009, had to be begged to reverse his decision to release 2,000 pictures of detainee abuse (incidents which had already been punished). These pictures were guaranteed to get the Islamists rioting in the streets again, far more that pictures of a dead, symbolic has-been.
This killing succeeded in distracting Americans concerned about the Usurper’s destruction of America – the tail wagging the dog – at a time when the Head Fool’s popularity was in the tank. The Clown-in-Chief, it has been reported, has known since last August that bin Laden was in Abbottabad, but chose to wait until now to do anything. He thinks he can amateurishly create diversions that will make people think he’s a macho patriot, instead of the anti-American buffoon that he has shown himself to be.
With the economy on the brink of the second dip of a double dip recession, brought on by the looting of the Treasury and wild, uncontrolled borrowing and spending by the government, the Oh-So-Clever-One thinks he can….
Read more.

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