Sunday, May 8, 2011

Only Obama Could Look Bad after Killing Osama bin Laden
 By Fred Dardick Full Story
It didn’t take President Obama long to mess up a good thing following one of the few actual “presidential” achievements of his entire administration. After years of bowing to dictators, apologizing for America, trillion dollar deficits, and a Marxist inspired healthcare bill destined for repeal, the US military handed Obama a gift from the political gods with the elimination of Osama bin Laden.


  1. Well considering the body was dispatched to the sea,post haste.without any pictures,I am still not convinced this
    ever happened.Others may believe as they so choose.

  2. Heck! The BODY could have been that of ANY body who happened to be the resident of that "compound" -- some described it as an "estate". First reports were that there was a sustained "firefight" -- implying that there were several "defenders" opposing the attack by our mysterious Seal 6 team. Mysterious, because some reports state that there IS NO such group in the Seals.

    Next report was that Osama was hiding behind the skirts (?) of a woman and was armed with a pistol. Other reports state that he was taken out by a Navy Seal sharpshooter NO "firefight" involved.

    Whatever story the government puts out will be suspect -- just as are all the cover-up reports of the 9-11 false flag event.


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