Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pro Graphics: Getting The Word Out And Winning The Obama Fraud End-Game


By Pro Graphics

We’re winning and at the end game of exposing Obama and finishing off his administration – at the very least enough to make it impossible for him to win again – or even run – or to have to answer charges. But you wouldn’t know it to hear the Obama operatives pretending to be defeatist conservatives. They insist that we agree that both parties are equally bad for America; that the birther issue will go nowhere; that by only abandoning tried and true methods that have slowly gotten us this far and by instead engaging in hopeless fantasies about “strong” – but undisclosed – “action” and “Marching” can we win. Marches and rallies on a large scale have been tried and the media ignores millions of us and no one knows anything happened. Grassroots activity, however, in every town in America, that led to the 2010 historical defeat of congressional democrats is what they fear. That is what works for us. That’s what this article is about, and advocates. Please take a few moments to read it carefully, and then devote as much time as you have available to act enthusiastically and with determination as grassroots activists.

1. We have a fraudulent birth certificate right now as evidence against Obama, released by him. Definitely, for sure. It has been 100% proven to be a fake in so many ways as to be almost a joke. I, like others, know. This is something of which I (Pro Graphics) can confirm from a long-term knowledgeable professional viewpoint. Don’t doubt it. This thing is a pathetic fake. Many others including bestselling Photoshop guru Mara Zebeth concur in the strongest possible terms. The first thing is to know this fact in your mind and heart. Let no doubt dampen your determination. This thing is a fake.

2. Corsi was supposed to be making appearances on Hannity's TV and radios shows and talking about all of this, including the fake birth certificate and social security numbers. The Hannity dumped it for reasons undisclosed by Hannity on the same day as Corsi was supposed to begin his book tour – on Hannity’s show. The thing to do as callers and e-mailers of Hannity's audience is to contact everyone you know, through tea party sites, en mass, to keep the pressure on Hannity to follow the issue and investigate it BASED ON CORSI'S APPEARANCES ON HIS SHOW - That's the hook to his Fox bosses that allows him to investigate. We think we have reliable info on that.

HANNITY CONTACT INFO – USE IT, or stay silent while Obama destroys the United States of America – this is your chance. The choice is yours.

RADIO: 1-800-941-7326


You can find the links for Hannity pages – AND MESSAGE BOARDS -on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, etc here and remind him: He covered Jeremiah Wright all day long, and this is ten times bigger than Wright:

All we really need is one national spokesman and we don’t need to do anything else. In the meantime, we do need to do as much more as each of us can:

3. Keep the pressure up on state legislators. Link e-mails to fraud explanations, ( ). Do you have a copy of The Globe with the fake BC article? Photocopy it and send it along. Take a few minutes for your country. We’ve come this far. In other words, let them know that the people know – by the millions (it’s true) – and that we expect them to act. Phone calls work the best. Put as much time in as you can.

Pick your preferred state legislators – even if you are not in their state, because the implications are national and they know that (you won’t get yelled-at) - from the list:

For Congress:


Representatives (GOP-controlled, with subpoena power):

4. Support the Globe’s dedication – let them know. Sent e-mails of thanks and encouragement, and tell them you’ll buy 5 copies of every one that has a big headline on it about Obama’s citizenship mystery, fake birth certificate and improper social security number (that’s literally millions of dollars in extra sales per every such issue – that’s a real incentive for them to keep the pressure on). They’re clearly on our side. Show them that you appreciate it and that you’ll return the favor buy increasing their sales.

This is a “tip” link for the Globe, but we know from experience that they’re happy to take compliments and encouragement:

5. As always, tell you neighbors, friends, and post links and info on any message board that will receive them. We’re all foot soldiers – activists – even “radicals” – it doesn’t matter what analogy you subscribe to this kind of productive activity. The point is it works.

Look where we were two years ago. Look how much further we are today – with the release of the obvious forgery to which Obama has pinned his personal and political fortunes, we’re just one step away from ending the madness called – soon to be in the past tense – the Obama Administration. Do your part.

1 comment:

  1. A good way, certainly not the only way, is to kick them in the sponsors.

    Inform their advertisers you will cease to buy their product [s] as long as they sponsor propaganda.

    Shorn Hammity, Bull Sheet Orally, or any show on FooxUp News.


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