Wednesday, October 19, 2011

THE RNC DEBATE DEBACLE by Harry Wainwright.
If you ever trust a politician again in your life - you shouldn't after that debacle last night.
Talk about weasel tactics. They twisted and turned trying to make it look as if they were answering the questions without saying anything honestly.
I'd like to bring to everyone's attention is that these people were promising to stop illegal immigration by all manner of method's.
Name me any one of them that has ever taken up the issue while they've held elected office.
Has anyone ever advocated or offered a fight about why we don't have an energy policy while holding elected office?
Has any one of them ever said that the Federal Department of Education is unconstitutional?
All of the above is moot anyway. The moment they are elected, or reelected, they will shut the door on the constituent and they will not be heard from again until they need us. They certainly won't act on their promises - because they don't want what we want.
You must realize that their only real objective is to replace the Constitution? Every right and every freedom and every protection we have is because there is a Constitution. We're all trying to restore a moral government to America and we're all relying on the Constitution to achieve that goal.
Tomorrow it may be shredded by our servants - our representatives...and then God Help Us, and God Help the USA.

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