Sunday, February 5, 2012


Get Out of Dodge – Update Feb 5, 2012

Obama Wins in Georgia Court – Yes Obama ignores the court subpoena and wins. He is in contempt of court and should have lost by default, yet he wins. He presents no arguments, no evidence etc and wins. So now Obama can be on the 2012 presidential ballot in Georgia. This case probably will stop any other states from pushing this point of his eligibility. The judge said that Obama was born in Hawaii and thus was a US citizen and could run. He discredited all the evidence presented by the other side actually acting as an attorney for Obama who disrespected the court by not showing up.
It has been decided by the rulers of America that Obama is going to run judging by this. I expect this is because Obama is going to be the next president starting in 2012. They have already made that decision for you.
Obama will not need any time to go into his stripping of civil rights after the election. The problems will start in Nov., 2012. Gotta love those electronic ballots.
Those of you in the USA should study Germany starting in the 1930's. The similarities are shocking. There is going to be a day when you are not going to be able to leave without permission. There is going to be a day when your money will not be able to be sent out of the country. These guys get away with this because the people never wake up. Now many are thinking Obama is not going to get re-elected. Would be nice. The smartest thing to do is wait the election out offshore. Once he is elected in 2012 the show will start and you will not like it one bit.
Source: Judge says Obama can be on Georgia ballot
Russia Station Special Forces Troops in Middle East to Defend Syria –Russia has stationed Spetsnaz special force troops to go and help Syria if needed. Saturday Syrian forces shelled a region killing 350 civilians and wounding 1000. Russia has decided to not let the USA have another Libya. Europe 1937, don't you see it. You can stay in the USA under the leadership of Obama or sit this one out offshore. Your choice.
Iran Missiles Capable of Hitting East Cost USA Cities – You can say this is bogus and just war mongering. I think it is true. I think the technology has been given to Iran by Russia and China. This is one way to stop the USA from attacking Iran which is what Russia and China want. The USA is downplaying this. Look if you have faith and confidence in Obama you have nothing to worry about. If you believe that the MSM tells the truth you have nothing to worry about. If you don't believe these things well then you might have a problem! Israel who has good intel, says the missile can travel 9600 kilometers.
Obama has done nothing for the economy local or worldwide. He has not helped unemployment. He has not helped foreclosures and homelessness. He has given the people a seriously flawed health care system. He has tried to force vaccines. GMO food has flourished under his regime. Inflation has gone up. Wars and conflicts for the USA have increased. Civil rights have just about gone away. So what is there to worry about if war breaks out with Obama as the commander in chief? Just because he hasn’t done one thing good for the USA yet, does not mean that he won't be a good wartime leader, does it?
New Iranian missile 'could strike US'
U.S. Plays Down Warning by Israeli Over Iran’s Missiles
Israel Facilities Around the World on High Alert – The USA is worried about Iran attacks in the USA. Israel has stepped up security around the world at their facilities. Could there be a false flag or real flag attack in the USA to be an excuse for a war with Iran. It is very probable that they want to see Assad in Syria fall and then during the confusion as a new regime gets set up the attack on Iran will occur. Russia knows this and thus wants to stop Syria from being overthrown. Syria is well positioned to attack Israel. The USA and Canada are worried about terrorist attacks on Israel and Jewish religious facilities in the USA.
Exclusive: Israel Warns US Jews: Iran Could Strike Here
Report: U.S. Jewish, Israeli institutions on high alert, fearing Iranian attack
Suggestions – I think many people are on the verge of leaving the USA. I talk to a lot of them. Now I am talking to people representing groups of Americans. This is new. They need to realize Obama is running for office and will probably be the next president. I think it is just about a for sure thing. When the terrorism starts and the fighting starts among different factions, probably as a result of the terrorism, there is going to be a rush to leave the good ole USA. You better believe that Obama is not going to just let hundreds of thousands (or millions) of people march out the door with all their wealth. This will also start a chain reaction. Most think there is safety in numbers so they follow the herd. He cannot let all that money leave. Easy for him to do it. Exit visa needed to leave, is one ploy. Want an exit visa, well leave your money and your family behind. Then you need a good verifiable business reason, forget vacations. Have no money and no family you are not going anywhere. Terrorism will be the excuse. Shutting the wire transfers down at the USA banks is child play. You need to show an invoice and get permission from the bank to send any money out of the country. Banks are such nice people you won't have any problems, or will you? Now you and your family cannot leave. Your money is stuck there in the declining USD and their crumbling banking system. Oil prices will go through the roof. Could be $150 a barrel or $350 a barrel. Imagine $12.00 a gallon at the pump. People will not be able to afford to drive to work. Home heating may be a memory. If you do anything get a nest egg out of the USA so then you just have to worry about getting yourselves out. Don't kid yourself with Obama. If he was such a good guy why would he want unlimited detention of Americans without any courts, trials, evidence, lawyers and so forth for Americans? No good answer is there. Why does he have secret executive orders and what do they say? What about FEMA camps? No fly lists? Torturing prisoners? The Federal Reserve Bank? Bailout outs for the banksters? Some people don't wake up until it is too late and they are on the wrong side of the barrel of a gun. Go back and study Germany in the 1930's and see if you see any similarities. Don't you think you owe it to yourself to do this. Try this google search:
similarities between hitler and obama

1 comment:

  1. Just a quick note on US citizens leaving the USA. If you are looking at Obama you are looking in the wrong place. One does not simply wake up one morning and decide to leave. It takes careful though, planning and second thoughts. In our case, once it became clear Bush would be re-elected we began our departure process.

    There are a vast number of us. We tend to be wealthy, intelligent and probably not the people assets a country should be losing. We also take our money with us. The number of US transplants in northern Italy and Switzerland is mind-boggling. US groceries are opening in some of the major cities and retail establishments are adjusting to our needs.


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