Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Every time in every battle and challenge internationally, Obama is on the side of Dictators, radical Islam and evil. Remember, he has employed many members of the Muslim Brotherhood in his own administration. This is an Islamic terrorist group intent on taking over the world, not a peace-loving group at all.

Internationalists, dictators and Islamic terrorists — Obama’s unholy Trinity and plan

Obama willfully chooses the wrong side of virtually everything.  The result is we have been made a laughing stock of cowardly compromise to the world.  Many say that Obama is just inexperienced and won’t lead.  He just doesn’t know what to do with complicated issues, so he doesn’t lead.  He guesses and guesses wrong…REALLY?

I would say quite the opposite is true.   Obama leads and leads right to reflect his worldview.  He is inspired and directed from the pit of hell.  His handlers are calculated, funded and most organized.  Their ultimate end game is to create a one world Government, new currency, new controls violate all borders.

Obama and his team plan to create a new world religion, which allows the masses their ‘placebo of needing  God.’  I predict it will be a hybrid of Islam, Unitarianism with an international flavor. All paths to God are the same, and reflecting a ‘neutered sameness.’   The leadership of this new and approved religion will not be ‘50 yard line’ in anyway.  It will be the dominating and evil head of Islam, Sharia law and the New World order.  As chapter 9 talks about in the Koran, people will be forced to convert, submit to a huge and controlling tax or be killed.  It will all be marketed for the good of the world and to stop war.

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