Friday, September 25, 2009

Hands Off Israel Obama

Where are our Senators? Where are our voices of dissent? Obama seems so at ease sitting in the Chairman's seat at the United Nations. At last a job worthy of his incredible ego. World Supreme Leader.

Benjamin Netanyahu meanwhile delivers the sternest anti-Iran speech of his life, a speech not of mundane issues about finances or healthcare, or the environment. Netanyahu spoke of the right to exist. Think about that people,- the right to exist. God who created us all fundamentally free, and yet the Israelis must proclaim their right to life. Who else on this planet has to make that claim?

Does Obama champion the cause of such a beset upon people? No, he sides with those who would destroy them. Does he call for Arabs to make room for their brother Arabs? No, he calls for taking land from one of the smallest nations on Earth. Israel's history goes back 6000 years, before there ever was an Arab. The Land they live on,is land God gave them upon their Exodus from Egypt. Islam wasn't even a religion until around 800 a.d. some 1200 years ago. If you look, the foundation upon which the Dome of the Rock is built upon belongs to the SECOND Temple of the Jewish people.
That Temple was sacked by the Romans 800 years before Mohammed ascended into Heaven from Jerusalem according to the Muslim faith.

Where are our Senators, why are they not screaming from the hilltops of the unamerican nature of this obamanation sitting in the White House? Are they more concerned with the survival of the California Smelt, than they are with a people whose religion wrought Christianity which is at the center of true American values?



  1. BRAVO! Great post ... and, good thinking Steve.

  2. You are 100% correct. My Senator, Arlen Specter, is Jewish and should be concerned but he's too busy sucking up to Obama and the Democrats to win his re-election bid.


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