Tuesday, October 13, 2009

WHO IS BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA...well here's a quick summary!...WAKE-UP AMERICA!

- A “reverend and mentor” who GD’s America...
- A wife who has never been “proud” of America...
- A man who has never held a job – but the most important one in the world...
- A man who runs on transparency – then seals his college records...
- A man who claims citizenship – then hires a team of lawyers - to “not” allow scrutiny...
- A man who campaigns on the runaway spending and a deficit of eight years – then doubles it in less than 50 days...
- A man who bans lobbyist – then attempts to hire one...
- A man who condemns cheats and dishonesty – then accepts the same to run the treasury...
- A man who signs a law – but does not read it or know what it contains....
- A man who preaches “equality for all” – then targets and punishes 5% unequally...
- A man who pledges to reduce the tax for 95% - then raises them for 100%...
- A man who fails to accept responsibility for a congress who wrote the laws - and spending bills - the past two years – and continues to attack a president who didn’t...
- A man who is willing to provided for those who attacked this country – while degrading those trying to defend it...
- A man who follows the belief that upholding the immigration laws of America – is unpatriotic and un-American...
- A man who pledges allegiance to the constitution and laws of the land – then null and voids a perfectly legal contract protected by the constitution...
- A man who speaks of responsible behavior – then projects the opposite...
- A man who voices “free choice” – then systematically silences the voiceless...

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