Sunday, November 1, 2009

Are You Fired Up ??!! Ready To Go??!!! Plzzz B.O. No More B.S.

First of the Month fellow Patriots, time to remember to help the cause with your donations. Orly, Apuzzo, or who ever you support, send it to them please. Their sites have addresses and payment methods for your donation.

Today being Sunday, give some to the Lord while you're at it, or at least a prayer and an IOU.

I mentioned this to the G-man, The other night I dreamt Orly quit on us. Just walked away and headed off to Israel. Every Attorney did in fact, we had no one representing us in court. I woke up feeling forlorn and without much hope.

I'm truly glad my dream wasn't real, but what if these attorneys had quit?

Without some help from us, these attorneys can not continue to work for free. Could you? Should Orly be stranded with a $20,000 sanction to handle all alone? We are a giving country, we appreciate those who go above and beyond the call of duty, for US.... for the USA.

Two sayings from Churchill....( an honorary American citizen, by an Act of Congress, I might add )

Never in the field of human conflict, was so much owed, by so many, to so few,....


Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say,

'This was their finest hour.'

Let the world see this is America's finest hour.

Obama must prove in court, he either is or he isn't. No one ever in the History of the World has had this much false pride, to not let the equivalent sum of $10, stay a revolution. I mean talk about a Cheap Bastard.

Five Dollars Patriots, from all of us every month, commit to it, more if you can, make up for the laggards.

Help this sleepy Texan get a good night's rest. yawnnnn...


1 comment:

  1. Judge Carter granted dismissal of the cases not redressable there, but not final judgment because Alan Keyes still has a redressable claim for tort fraud damages against Candidate pre-President Obama (consistent with the trial still being on the docket).


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