Sunday, November 1, 2009

File a Suit Against the DNC......... Poll Watchers/Workers Needed Too

Lookie here what the usurper is up to. Isn't it time that "we" -- a coalition of the many groups wanting "impeachment" to go after the DNC for ITS fraudulent endorsement of an unqualified president. IF the DNC is embroiled in suits they will have a hard time influencing -- and, selecting candidates for any federal office, wouldn't they? I don't know, but I think the courts are so corrupt that they are ALL under obama's control. But, the DNC would have to produce whatever documents they used to "properly qualify" their candidate. THOSE documents when publicized would show either complete inadequacy in fulfilling the need for proper vetting... or, the would reveal sufficient number of forgeries to, in itself, show election fraud.

Meanwhile, is ANYONE (OR GROUP) advocating paper ballots ONLY? EVEN with paper ballots, election fraud IS possible .... as was shown in the case of that small New Hampshire town where the results showed more ballots cast than there were registered voters ... and, the people counting the ballots KNEW the political positions of ALL the voters and the Democrat total was significantly more than the registered Democrats. AND the number of ballots "counted" for Ron Paul was far less than those ardent RP activists in the town.

The war against communist take over will have many "fronts" and we need leaders to be "generals" in each of those fronts. Ballot instead of electronics, Opposition to gerrymandering of Congressional districts, "purification" of registered voters (determine the citizenship status of the registrants -- keep mail-in ballots out of the hands of illegals, etc. The war is not going to be won by mass demonstrations that DO create awareness but do little to "protect" the virtue of the process and counting of the votes cast.


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