Wednesday, November 4, 2009

John Adams - God Save The American States - Declaration of Independence

Patriots and Friends today we are facing the fact that a new foreign monarch has been installed in what was to be the House of Liberty. Our Constitutional Republic has been invaded not by foreign armies but by the conspirators of tyranny and usurpation guided and directed by a global alliance I call the Brotherhood of Satan. Our God-given Constitution is being trashed by the forces of darkness whose goal it is to deprive the American People of their Rights. Rights possessed by Man under the laws of God’s creation and therefore by gift of God. For every such right there is a correlative, inseparable duty–for every aspect of freedom there is a corresponding responsibility; so that it is always Right-Duty and Freedom-Responsibility, or Liberty-Responsibility. There is a duty, or responsibility, to God as the giver of these unalienable rights: a moral duty–to keep secure and use soundly these gifts, with due respect for the equal rights of others and for the right of Posterity to their just heritage of liberty.

There can be no question as to how we are to proceed as Oath Keepers, Christian Patriots and Warriors of the Lord. The blueprint can be found in our Declaration of Independence.

- David Crockett

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