Thursday, December 17, 2009


Obama throws a “Govt. will go bankrupt!” tantrum
Posted on December 17th, 2009

The Post & Email

by John Charlton
© 2009/2010

Obama's psychological stability will being to crumble more and more, as fewer and fewer continue to listen to him.(Dec. 17, 2009) — The Post & Email featured an exposé on Obama’s politics of fraud today, wherein he claims one thing and works for the opposite agenda.

Last night during his interview on ABC with Gibson, Obama was up to his old tricks. Desperate that his Health Care Bill might die in the Senate, he threw a childish tantrum, threatening the nation that if the Health Care Bill is not passed the Federal Government would “go bankrupt”!

Not a word that the massive spending increases he has pushed through in 2009 would nearly double the national debt; the Health Care Bill included.

Obama is desperate. The Health Care Bill has nothing to do with preventing the increase of the Federal debt. It has everything to do with causing it.

It likewise has nothing to do with solving the health care problem, it has everything to do with imposing his power upon every individual and creating a pretext to deny care and thus murder anyone in the country.

Noted doctors have come forward and said that with Obama Care life expentency will fall for all Americans. Rationed health care means death. I can testify to it personally, since I had a good friend, who is a M.D., but who lives in Europe where medicine is rationed, die this year, because they scheduled his heart check up 3 days too late!

Socialized medicine is nothing but state control over life and death, and it results in the deaths of 10’s of thousands annually in each country where it is imposed, out of sheer bureaucratic negligence.

Eric Zimmermin of reported Obama fraudulent politiking, yesterday afternoon:

“[I]f we don’t do this, nobody argues with the fact that health care costs are going to consume the entire federal budget,” Obama told ABC’s Charlie Gibson in an interview airing tonight.

Healthcare costs are growing so rapidly that “the federal government will go bankrupt” is drastic steps aren’t taken, he added.

“[Healthcare reform] actually provides us the best chance of starting to bend the cost curve on the government expenditures in Medicare and Medicaid,” Obama said.

The Truth behind Obama’s threat

The truth behind Obama’s infantile threat is that his regime is ready to go bankrupt, and if the Health Care Bill dies in the Senate, the powers that be will see to his immediate removal.

That Obama can be immediately removed is obvious to all who admit the truth of his ineligiblity to be president. Those backing Obama to push thru a socialisit or marxist revolution (George Soros) won’t stand it for a moment if Obama politics of fraud looses its luster.

Unfortunately for Obama, he has no spine; since liars are by their very nature impatient folk. His nerver broke, and the entire nation knows today that he is just a street-corner huckster, who’s been outed for what he is.

No one is listening anymore to his bull, therefore he has to shout and scream and threaten to get attention.

The Post & Email surmises that Obama’s desperation comes from the fact that Congressman Nathan Deal and his colleagues wrote him a letter asking for his original vital records, and that leading supporters who once believed all his lies, now realize that he is in an untenable position if he fails to disclose them.

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