Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Come On In The Water's Fine

*The content of the e-mail and petition have been revised as we work with people in the know to make this more to-the-point and less fraught with technicalities that might make senators dismissive if they catch them. Please do this today. THE E-MAIL BULK MAILING LISTS ARE IN POSTS FROM MEMBERS, BELOW. Time is short, and they deserve fair warning* You people who have seen what I've been involved with know I'm the practical sort who doesn't send people on the proverbial wild goose chase. THIS CAN HAVE AN IMPACT, PEOPLE. Please do it.

Tell all Congressmen of an impending 2010 ballot referendum to put them on the same Obamacare plan as the rest of us. If it passes, they can vote until they’re blue in the face; there isn’t a damn thing they can do about it.

TELL THEM NOW, TODAY, TONIGHT. People hate Obamacare enough that patriots in each state will easily get enough signatures to put this on the ballots.

Use this e-mail (or make your own, of course) and send it out today.

DROP EVERYTHING AND DO IT, NOW, PLEASE: If self-interest is all they understand, let's speak to them in a way they understand..

The SUBJECT HEADER of e-mails should read something like "Referendum to force congress to be enrolled in Obamacare", or "Referendum: Obamacare forced on Congress" to get their attention


Dear Senator,

Please read the following referendum being drafted for the 2010 congressional election ballots. Admittedly, the language in this draft is imperfect. But we have been told that between now and the summer of 2010 the loopholes and details will be nailed down shut. If you vote for Obamacare, it looks like this is going to happen, and the Americans people dislike ObamaCare enough that once on the ballot, this referendum will pass with flying colors. I respectfully submit that you are not being realistic if you think otherwise So think about your own self-interest in your later years before voting “Yes”, because you’ll be mandated by law within the duties of your office to have healthcare rationed to you just like the rest of us.


All senators and representatives and their families of this (name state), currently covered by any other form of health insurance, upon the election results pertaining to this referendum once passed, shall immediately relinquish, give up and otherwise be denied any health care in any form, including any currently engaged by any Senator or Representative, and the aforementioned senators and representatives otherwise as part of the requirements of the duty to their state be obligated upon the threat of forced resignation be enrolled in the government health care plan voted into law for the American People, (bill designation to be cited). Further, no aspect, obligation, law or any other means, statutory or implied except as denied by an article of the United States Constitution, shall be deemed to supercede the rule of law imposed by the passage of this referendum, and if there is a conflict of interest, the rule of law as set for in this referendum shall prevail, and all Senators and Representatives shall be enrolled in the government health care plan voted into law, called in the common vernacular as Obamacare (exact bill designation to be added later), and , as is true of the current congressional health care plans, shall be enforced in perpetuity regardless of whether the congressperson continues to hold office or not.

Plain language: All senators and representatives whose states allow for referendums shall be forced to take the Obamacare they are threatening to enact into law for the American people as part of the obligations of their elected jobs, and nothing can change that, period. If self interest is all you understand, then learn this lesson: the American people have a power you do not recognize, and through the passage of this referendum where applicable, shall prove it.

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