Friday, December 18, 2009

Pissed Off Obama Talks To Stubborn Chinese Premier

Obama Doing All He Can From Falling To The Floor and Bowing.(Yes, it is his bag baby)

Funny thing happened on the way to the New World Order Forum. George Soros the "brilliant" insider information currency trader, overlooked the fact, the Chinese are integral members of the United Nations.

China has no interest whatsoever in the politics of the West's NWO hierarchy and see such as a rival to Chinese interests. If the West wants to send money to China for no good reason other than to collapse the US economy, then China will be more than happy to accept the money and help in removing a major power rival.

If on the other hand, the NWO plan calls for Chinese accountability in pollution controls then China has no interest in any plan that would add to the burden of producing low cost goods. China will use any and all congenial excuses for not participating in the Copenhagen process, but bottom line is Money In is good, Money Out is bad.

Unable to produce results for Master Soros, an angry and frustrated Obama earlier today, reverted to what he knows best, "blaming the other guy". China and India both are now the bad guys. Before Obama had even deplaned in Copenhagen, White House press secretary Gibbs was down playing the likelihood of a successful trip.

Actually Soros could care less if these two countries allow independent verification of their emission reductions. Soros however knows he still needs the support of the near-mindless cultish lefties of the world. It would be impossible to explain Western acceptance of China's massive pollution to these duped true believers of the global warming charade.


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