Sunday, May 16, 2010

AKA Obama COLB Filed But Never Accepted - Click Image For Full View

AKA Obama COLB Filed But Never Accepted - Click Image For Full View

Obama's 'CERTIFICATION of Live Birth' form reveals his Birth Registration was FILED in 1961 but was never fully ACCEPTED by the Hawaiian State Registrar's Office.

See the lower left corner of Obama's CERTIFICATION of Live Birth form and the same corner on the other two examples. This indicates there was insufficient evidence back in 1961 to complete the birth registration process.

Hawaii is covering this up for political reasons to protect Obama. Only they know the ultimate reasons they are all willing to commit Misprision of Felony at this point in time given the mounting evidence that Obama was not physically born in Hawaii. Obama may have amended his record since 1961 to try to reinforce and cover up the original fraudulent filing. But his online COLB clearly shows that when it was FILED it was never finally ACCEPTED. This is a national disgrace that our entire system of laws including the Constitution and all legal records are being subverted and subordinated to cover up for Obama's continued fraud on the nation as to his true legal identity. What is so important about this one man that Hawaii is willing to see the nation destroyed by his corruption and lies from birth by his family and continued on all his life by Obama. The man is a grifter and conman. See this catalog of evidence that shows by the preponderance of the evidence that Hawaii and the nation are the victims of birth registration fraud by Obama's family in 1961:

CDR Charles KerchnerLehigh Valley, Pennsylvania
As previously reported HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE. Obama's campaign posted 4 different images of a Certification of Live Birth on the Internet. Several document and computer image experts have deemed the Obama COLB(s) as fakes. If you have not yet researched the Obama COLB then this report from the Post & Email will explain it point by point.

Via the Post & Email; - Obama’s Forged “Certification of Live Birth”: The Evidence - DID FACTCHECK PROVIDE THE LINK BETWEEN THE OBAMA CAMPAIGN AND THE 2008 PASSPORT FILE BREACHES? ...must read report HERE. ...and HERE & HERE & HERE.Before you go there check out the 4 different Obama COLBs posted online by Obama's campaign. Also, if you missed it, meet the only 2 people to examine the COLB(s), and one of them wasn't Bill O'Reilly;1) Daily Kos COLB; 2) Fight the Smears COLB; 3) COLB with seal; 4) COLB without seal; Everyone must view all the research compiled at this site; Flashback from the Right Side of Life; Meet the only 2 people to ever "examine" Obama's SHORT-FORM COLB's. The two employees who were granted access to Obama’s bogus Certification of Live Birth (COLB) are NOT document examiners or experts. Joe Miller has a Ph. D. in Political Philosophy — so he’s a political operative — while Jess Henig has an M.A. in English Literature — I’m not sure her dye-job is a political or esthetic statement.They are a couple of partisan Obots — just what you’d expect — Jess took the photos presented on their webpage and did all of the writing, while Bob basically held the COLB open for Jess to photograph — suitable work for a Ph. D.Those two are completely unqualified to perform any kind of forensic examination of any document, and knows it — and so do Henig and Miller.FactCheck does say their, “representatives got a chance to spend some time with the ‘birth certificate,’ and we can attest to the fact that it is real and three-dimensional and resides at the Obama headquarters in Chicago.” In my mind, that clearly shows they were working with and for the Obama Campaign and that Obama and his people are involved in this lie. Much more HERE.

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