Saturday, May 15, 2010

Attorney Mario Apuzzo Responds to the Recent Reports of Mrs. Nordyke's "Recollections":

Ross Dolan of The Daily Republic on Friday, May 15, 2010, interviewed Eleanor Nordyke. The interview may be read at

Mrs. Nordyke makes some outlandish statements, accusing "birthers" of being motivated by racism and money in pursuing the Obama eligibility issue. On the birth certificate numbers, she said: "'My daughters' birth certificates were 10637 and 10638, and Obama's was 10641, so his mother must have come in after I did,' Nordyke said, though she never met Obama's mother." This statement clearly shows her bias for Obama. It makes no sense to believe that birth certificates would have been issued before a baby was born and that the numbers were even issued at the hospital. Nevertheless, Mrs. Nordyke did make some important concessions. She admitted that she would have been in the same maternity ward as Obama's mother if she was there at Kapi'olani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital (now called Kapi'olani Medical Center) on Friday, August 4, 1961; while one would not reasonably expect her to remember who was with her in the maternity ward, she did say that she never saw Obama's mother in the maternity ward while she was there; and that even though there were only five obstetricians at the time of Obama's birth and that her late husband, Dr. Robert Nordyke, was an internal medicine specialist at Honolulu's Straub Clinic, she does not know the name of the doctor who allegedly delivered Obama in that hospital at that time. One would think that the doctor who delivered the President of the United States would be very famous and would be well-known within the families of doctors in Honolulu. I cannot think of any reason why the name of the doctor who delivered a President of the United States should be a secret and not even known by the medical community. Yet, Mrs. Nordyke states she does not know who the doctor is. What is also telling about this interview is that our nation's so-called journalists have to resort to relying on the memory of a clearly biased and probably coached person to prove that Obama was born in Kapi'olani Medical Center rather than a simple contemporaneous birth certificate from 1961. See the Catalog of Evidence why concerned Americans have good reason to doubt that Putative President Obama was physically born in Hawaii and not just fraudulently registered there by the maternal grandparents simply to get their new grandson, born out of the country, U.S. Citizenship, using a simple available mail-in form to register the birth as occurring at home with not witnesses.

A Catalog of Evidence - Concerned Americans Have Good Reason to Doubt that Putative President Obama Was Born in Hawaii;

Commander Kerchner's interview with Bill Cunningham on the Bill Cunningham Radio Show.

CDR Charles Kerchner
Lead Plaintiff
Kerchner v Obama & Congress

Obama's Lack of Constitutional Eligibility-The 3 Enablers-20091130 Issue Wash Times Natl Wkly-pg 9

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