Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Sheep In FOX Clothing

Most of us now realize that Beck, O'Reilly, Susteren, Hannity et al, are just as deceitful as those on the obviously anti-truth networks. Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace are Democrats and their softball approach is easier to understand. The multitude of pontificators are just playing head games with us while ensuring a pot load of income from book sales and other pursuits. The other legion of syndicated or self-employed conservative spokespersons like Coulter, Ingraham, Limbaugh, Levin, Savage, Medved etc, are all playing the same head game but at least they are not tied to FOX. Let's face it, these latter are just making a buck the American way. They have a product to sell and they don't want it to go away.

Speaking the unvarnished truth will open up a whole can of worms and dry up their well of insincere issues.

What has become apparent, now that we are no longer blinded by the oratorical luminosity emanating from these spellbinders, is that FOX News doesn't report the 'news' either. Those of us who get our news from other sources may be slow to realize (or is it just me?) that the real stories, the telling of a happening or connected series of happenings, whether true or fictitious, are never reported by FOX any more than anywhere else in the 'legitimate' media. The floods and volcanoes, the hurricanes and tornadoes, car chases and fires, occasional skullduggery and gossip...but never the truth, or the investigation of the truth, about the evil in America . That's the real news!

Take a step back and list five or six factual incidents or events harmful to this country which are taking place right now. For example the attempt to legalize the millions of illegal's in this country, the attempt to get Puerto Rico to accept statehood, the court-martial of Lt. Col. Lakin, the effort underway to prohibit anti-government rhetoric, or the special military forces being organized under the Obama Healthcare bill, or the authorizing of the National Guard for use as policeman when we Constitutional terrorists finally say enough is enough. What about the special trains which are already prepared as jails and can be located just about anywhere. What about illegal court rulings against Orly Taitz and other like minded citizens who have brought suit against this administration and especially the ineligibility of the "Usurper" in the White House? Why no legitimate investigation into the wrongdoings of our elected representatives? Why no investigation of the Hawaii lies?

The list is endless. Not one of these stories are news? Not one of these stories are worth investigating? Where are the Woodward and Bernstein clone's today? They're autographing books about their experiences - but not their ethics.



1 comment:

  1. I think the reason may be that at the top of everything are the transnational Bildeberger NWO stringpullers. The talkers know what their own restraints are, that they are not broach nor permit discussion of certain subject matter which could jeopardize their employers' FCC licenses and therefore their own jobs / empires. In recognition of that reality they compromise.


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