Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cuts Both Ways

We've been hearing how the Tea Party movement is going to split the vote and let the commucrats pick up the pot. This type of backing into victory is a desperation plan. It sounds more like some also ran NFL team trying to squeak into the playoffs by having 4 teams lose, and then themselves having to win by 60 points in order to beat a tie breaker scenario.

The voter syphon tube drains both ways as the commucrats are finding out in Florida. Prior to Charlie Crist bolting from the Republican party and running as an Independent, the so called Dem candidate Meeks was at 22% of the vote. Now he is at 18%.

Crist has taken 4% from Meeks. What does this say, besides Obama and his right wing split theory is full of crap, it says some moderates on the left who just couldn't vote Republican, would rather vote for a flip flopper like Crist, than Meeks a Obama yes man lackey.

As of May 16 Rasmussen had the race (can we say race without the Obama sin police raising an eyebrow, like I'm worried) as Rubio 38%, Crist 31%, and Meeks 18%.

Crist the Independent is splitting the vote alright, the Democrats are being split. Obama is delusional if he thinks given the choice of voting for a Republican or a Communist, the Independents would vote any other way than for the right wing. It's the modrate democrats who he should be concerned with being split off.

The democrats are the ones late to the party of New Party politics. It took the 2008 election for the left wing to realize they have a subversive party within their party, that is anti America. Some how when the tree huggers weren't looking the party was hijacked by Obamaists wearing suicide vests. I would gladly help the moderates by handing out matches to Obamaists if they could keep the splatter on the Mexican side of the border.


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