Sunday, May 16, 2010

AZ Governor Brewer slams the USURPER...

Posted by Jim Hoft

Woah! Another home run for popular Arizona Governor Jan Brewer!
…And, another headache for the political hacks running Washington and America into the dirt.
Governor Jan Brewer DEMOLISHED Team Obama on Saturday for their divisive racial politics and for intentionally misleading the American public on Arizona’s new immigration law. Brewer took a shot at Obama’s comedy routine:

“It’s fair to ask whether he intends to be the Commander-in-Chief or the Comic-in-Chief. Since the president’s joke was so inappropriate, I suppose, if I wanted to join in the comedian game, I could suggest that he should not give up his day job. Unfortunately, though, he isn’t doing very well at that one, either.”

Governor Brewer was sensational:

KNXV reported:

In launching a Web site aimed at educating the United States on Arizona’s controversial illegal immigration law, Governor Jan Brewer (R-Ariz.) took umbrage with the president’s joke at the recent White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

The event is an opportunity for its speakers to make light of politics, and President Barack Obama did so with Arizona’s immigration law:

“We all know what happens in Arizona when you don’t have ID — adios, amigos.”

It was this joke which became the target of Gov. Brewer’s address regarding new steps the state government is taking to promote the law on a national level.

“It’s fair to ask whether he intends to be the Commander-in-Chief or the Comic-in-Chief,” Gov. Brewer said. “Since the president’s joke was so inappropriate, I suppose, if I wanted to join in the comedian game, I could suggest that he should not give up his day job.

“Unfortunately, though, he isn’t doing very well at that one, either,” she added as her punchline. In the context of the Correspondents’ Dinner, Mr. Obama’s joke may not be seen by some as “so inappropriate.” Gov. Brewer does not see the issue of border security as a joking matter, regardless of context.

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