Saturday, May 8, 2010

Lakin v Cooper...


Despite the immense respect that I have for Ltc. Lakin, I believe he and his attorney, Paul Jensen, are partly to blame for the treatment that they received tonight from Anderson Cooper. Why? If either Lakin or his attorney took the time to watch ANY of the previous CNN or MSNBC interview (Lou Dobbs, Orly Taitz, etc.) re: the "Birthers," they would have realized that they would NOT be given adequate time to talk, explain the issues or state their case.

The Cooper interview was like Deja Vu. First a picture of Obama's COLB is shown. Then the Hawaiian DOH regulations regarding vital records are discussed and finally public statements made by Hawaiian officials regarding BHO's birth are read....followed by personal attacks, and ending with the conclusion by the interviewer that anyone who questions BHO's eligibility is a "kook."

Jensen and Lakin should have anticipated that the same situation would occur with Cooper. They should have also understood that most journalists believe that the only issue that is a concern for the "Birthers" is WHERE Obama was actually born, i.e., Kenya or Hawaii. That's why Jensen and Lakin should have focused on Obama's DUAL CITIZENSHIP. They could have very easily, in a short amount of time, explained how having dual allegiances at birth automatically disqualifies Obama to be Commander In Chief.
If anything, this argument may have caught Cooper off guard and/or prompted more people who were watching the interview who may have never heard of Obama's "dual citizenship" to perform their own due diligence on what it means to be Natural Born Citizen.

Where Obama was born and why he hasn't he shown a "vault copy" birth certificate are the not the type of arguments to be made on national TV against a combative and seasoned journalist like Cooper. Although there are lingering questions regarding BHO's birth certificate and actual place of birth, Jensen and Lakin's focus should have been on an argument they could easily WIN and that argument should have been BHO's dual citizenship.

Again, I believe Ltc. Lakin to be an honorable man. But he and his attorney were totally unprepared. As a soldier, Lakin should realize that HE is at WAR with an enemy who's primary objective is to usurp the Constitution so he could fundamentally transform our Country.
KNOW your enemy Ltc. Lakin!

Anyone that has been following the "eligibility" story for some time knows that the MSM, Congress and others have consistently remain ed silent concerning something much more important than BHO's "elusive" Birth Certificate. They have remained silent and have refused to discuss the problems that result from BHO's "admitted" dual citizenship at birth, and how this important FACT affects BHO's eligibility for POTUS. (Note: BHO's Father was a British/Kenyan national on a student visa when BHO was born and to be POTUS, you MUST be a "Natural Born Citizen" which means that you MUST be born to 2 U.S. Citizen Parents and also born on U.S. Soil.)

This fact alone, coupled a basic understanding of why our Framers crafted Article II to include the "Natural Born Citizen" requirement for our Commander In Chief would make any person of average or even below average intelligence (most far left liberals) to consider the possibility that BHO is NOT really eligible to serve as POTUS even if it can be conclusively proven that he was, in fact, born in Hawaii as he claims.

This should have been the focus of Lakin and Jensen today in the Cooper interview. It's very sad that Ltc. Lakin isn't getting advice to focus on this issue. Very sad indeed.

Know your enemy Ltc. Lakin!

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This is a comment from one of the readers of the article. Like me...she is amazed that Lakin and his lawyer Paul Jensen went in like lambs to the slaughter. If this is the best they can do, they haven't a chance of victory.
JeanWTPUSA said...
Unfortunately, Lakin and his attorney are also speaking for everyone else that questions BHO's eligiblity.

Therefore, they MUST understand that CNN, MSNBC and even FOX has a long history of not wanting to openly discuss the birth certificate or any other issue related to BHO's eligibility.

For this reason, they BOTH should have KNOWN that they were walking into a hostile environment.

If either Lakin or his attorney took the time to watch ANY of the previous CNN or MSNBC interview (Lou Dobbs, Orly Taitz, etc.) re: the "Birthers," they would have realized that they would NOT be given adequate time to talk, explain the issues or state their case.

They should have anticipated that the same situation would occur with Cooper. Bringing up Obama's DUAL CITIZENSHIP and how that disqualifies him for POTUS could have easily been done in a very short amount of time and should have been the focus.

It's a MORE legitamate argument then WHERE Obama was born and why hasn't he shown his "vault copy" birth certificate.

If anything, it may have caught Cooper off guard and/or prompted more people who were viewing the interview who may have not heard of Obama's "dual citizenship" to perform their own due diligence on what it means to be Natural Born Citizen.

Ltc. Lakin is an honorable man. But he and his attorney were totally unprepared and were chewed up and spit out by Cooper.

As a soldier, Lakin should realize that HE is at WAR with an enemy who's primary objective is to usurp the Constitution and to fundamentally transform our Country.

Therefore, he MUST have a fool proof plan to deal with the ENEMY, and that means that he should have had a better plan for dealing with COOPER.

KNOW your enemy Ltc. Lakin or you will NOT win the war. And then we ALL lose.

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