Saturday, May 22, 2010

Legal Mexican Immigrant (Gabriella) Speaks at City Council Meeting (recommended viewing)

City Council Member Regina Romero asked for legal advice on whether the City of Tucson should sue the State of Arizona over SB1070. After the executive session they had a time for public comment. Gabriella was born in Mexico but immigrated the the United States legally and spoke against the idea that the city should sue the state.


  1. Thank you Gabriella. You are what LEGAL immigration is all about...and which all law abiding citizens support wholeheartedly.

  2. Gabriella, i commend you for your hearfelt stand against a bunch of council members who are to afraid to stand up for what is right. I believe that the majority of the people who are against SB 1070 have either not read the Bill or they are here illegally and are aiding and abetting other illegals.
    Your speech to the council members are to be praised.
    Thank you for voicing your opinion on the side of the Law


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