Friday, May 14, 2010

Refreshing!...Gov. Chris Christie puts liberal reporter in his place...

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing to all true believers in America and the Constitution. This man has already accomplished a hell of a lot since his election. Where would America be if we had 535 caretakers of the Constitution in Congress? Bob Bennett of Utah (17 sad years) in his tearful 'goodbye' the other day said "I make no apology for my decisions during my career..."

    That's exactly what it is to all who try to get elected - a career! Our Congress is supposed to be made up of citizens who put aside their own goals for a short period of time to SERVE the country and then return to their personal endeavors. I would elect anyone, regardless of party affiliation, who puts country first. It would be a pleasure knowing that their only motivation is to serve the cause of freedom and justice. Ethical medical doctors promise to do no harm - and even though political parties may differ, the underlying tenet for all should be that they will do no harm to the country and its people.


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