Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sotomayor Needs To Take A Trip To Mexico

740AM Houston Radio Poll 6-29-10:

Do you agree with the Supreme Court - is gun ownership a fundamental right?

Yes 50.89 %

No 7.42 %

'You'll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands!'

41.69 % (and we mean it too)


Deputy's teen son shoots at burglar at NW Harris County (Houston) home

June 29, 2010, 4:38P

The teenage son of a Harris County deputy constable shot a burglar (3 times, according to other news sources) this afternoon who tried to break into their home, authorities said.

The boy, 15, and his sister, 12, were alone about 2:45 p.m. when someone tried to kick open the front door then soon after the back door of their home in the 2600 block of Royal Place Court, officials said.

Their father was at work at the time, said officials with the Harris County Precinct 1 Constable's Office.

When one of the suspected burglars kicked open a window, the boy grabbed a rifle and fired. Both burglars then fled, officials said.

Soon after the shooting, a man showed up at Tomball Methodist Hospital with a gunshot wound. He is being questioned by investigators. There was no information about the second suspect, who remains at large, officials said.

The children were not injured during the ordeal, officials said.

Investigators with the Harris County Sheriff's Department have launched an investigation.


Stories similar to this one from Houston today,play out all across America everyday. Some do not end without violence and tragedy befalling innocent victims. Too bad Sonya Sotomayor wasn't in that house defenseless and alone. Had she been, and lived to tell her tale, she might be singing a different tune regarding the 2nd amendment.

What we must all regard and defend against is the loss of our 2nd amendment right to bear arms. The 2nd not only provides the armed citizenry a means of self defense against criminals, but it is also a firewall between The People and a tyrannical government.

Mexico is a prime example of a populous generally unarmed, their government has been corrupt since before the days of Pancho Villa. Because of this corruption, the criminal element have invaded the governmental power spheres. Now Mexico tetters on the brink of lawless anarchy and the factions that have weapons include everyone except The People. Now they are being terrorized daily in their towns, nowhere in Mexico is exempt from extreme violence.

In Mexico today because of the criminal tidal wave that has swept over the land, some husbands find it more expedient to just murder their spouse rather than divorce or go through the rigors of a Catholic separation.. Law enforcement in Mexico can not keep up with the murder investigations so oft times many of these divorce-murders go unpunished and uninvestigated, the main reason it is all too easy to blame such murders on rampant cartel violence.

Serial killers in Mexico that have nothing to do with the drug wars are having a Roman Holiday. A large portion of so called routine murders are being neatly swepted into the "blame the cartel" dust bins. The American ex-director of the TV show SURVIVOR, suspected of murdering his wife and dumping her in a Cancun trash dumpster seems to be an exception, rather than the rule, of some actual investigative police work. Because of the threat to the Police that the cartels exert, many times it is expedient for an officer to NOT delve to deeply into an investigation. It is more healthy for the officer's family if a less than specific report is turned in to headquarters. Run of the mill killers know of this lanyap, and fly below what radar does exist.

Stories from Juarez talk of murdered girls and women (some divorce-murders)left in roadside ditches unburied. Relatives who after searching for months sometimes learn of their loved ones tragic fates only by chance.

Sotomayor-Wise Latina. I don't think so. Communista Si. She would make America like Mexico.

80% of violent crime in America is attributed to gang activity, and a fifth of the illegals that come into our country each year have criminal backgrounds. It can be said crime is Mexico's number one export.

Disarm us, Never.


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