Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Commies to the Left, Commies to the Right...Commies all over America! WAKE-UP!...

By Steve Cooper
The Conservative

Obama is a revolutionary no different than Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao or Castro just to name a few. The American people have been dumbed down on fascism and communism to the point that they would not know it if it hit them in the face. The American idiots need to be re-educated from scratch, thanks to the Marxist vermin that pollute the Universities and the media.

Someone sent me a great pic that they made up of Obama in front of a Soviet Hammer and Sickle and a Nazi Symbol. I told him that he should remove the Nazi symbol, because the American people are not smart enough to grasp what Nazism aka National Socialism is. The people have been brainwashed to only demonize fascism, but not communism or socialism. Fascism was distanced from Socialism for political purposes. Socialism's reputation needed to be kept pure and clean in your subconscious.

Obama's goal is to start a revolution by undermining the economic system and society. Having the American people racially divided and at each others throats has been a goal of the left for as long as I could remember, but the people have been sleeping. They could not see the bigger picture and now it is too late. These Tea Parties should have happened when McCarthy was speaking out about the communist infiltration, but instead he was attacked.

Obama is an admitted Marxist and he has publicly admitted that we need to redistribute wealth. So, why is their outrage over the billboard? The people are brainwashed and the rest do not want THE TRUTH to be known.

Give Obama some time, because his holocaust will happen eventually. Betraying Israel will be one of the causes and also social decay will be the other. What if the economy collapses due to his massive over spending, to the point where food is rationed like it was in China and the USSR? Vladimir Lenin only allowed two ounces of bread per day, per person after the Russian Revolution.

There was also mass starvation in Mao's China as well and this was done to thin out the population, because they were a drain to the rest of the Marxist Government. Over 20 million people starved to death in China during Mao's reign of terror. Stalin starved 12 million Ukrainians as well. Countless others were murdered, because they were seen as a danger to the regime due to their dissent.

The 50's and 60's were the time to run the communists out of town, but instead we let them burn down the streets and brainwash the youth. These radicals are now running the show, thanks to people that sat on their hands. The common answer was "It will never happen here". Well "IT DID happen here" and it was due to people NOT speaking out.

What we are seeing is not change, this has been done many times over and over in Cuba, the Soviet Union and Cambodia.

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