Thursday, July 8, 2010

Obama lawsuit against Arizona--a glaring omission and a pot-full of hypocrisy ...

As expected the Obama Administration filed a lawsuit against the state of Arizona over its new immigration law. The suit contains one glaring omission and a pot-full of hypocrisy.
(AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin, File). Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio warns the Feds over illegal aliens.
First, despite the insistence of Administration officials across the board that Arizona's new law is tantamount to 'racial profiling' and 'racial and ethnic discrimination' that would lead to Nazi-styled roundups of Hispanics, that particular charge is conspicuously absent from the lawsuit.
One by one Obama, Holder, Napolitano, and a host of Administration officials took to the airwaves to denounce the law as discriminatory, although each one, to a person, stated on the record they have never read the bill.
Now that the lawsuit has been filed and made public, it is clear that such public pronouncements were nothing but pandering, demagoguery, and attempts to score points with illegal aliens who are potentially a gold mine for Democratic votes.
Nothing in the lawsuit even as much as hints that the Arizona law will result in racial profiling or discrimination.
Second, the thrust of the suit focuses on Arizona's supposed encroachment upon the 'role of the federal government. in maintaining and enforcing' U.S. immigration law.
The arrogance and audacity of such a charge is astounding.
Despite clearly-stated laws at the federal level that mandate that the federal government keep the borders secure, at every step along the way the Obama Administration has resolutely failed to obey those laws.
"The Justice Department made the decision Tuesday to file the suit based on several factors; racial profiling, surprisingly, was not among them. The administration claims the law hampers the ability of the federal government and federal immigration authorities to perform their duties – a claim that puts into perspective the audacity and twisted vision that now prevail within the administration."
Property owners along the southern border have been murdered, robbed, and even kidnapped by Mexican thugs who routinely cross the border illegally in order to spread the violence and bullying that is a signature of dangerous drug cartels. Phoenix is now the kidnapping capital of the nation as these cartels engage in human smuggling.
Barack Obama, Eric Holder,and Janet Napolitano have each essentially flipped the bird at American citizens who are the victims of this invasion from the south. They have refused to seal the border. They have refused to enforce FEDERAL immigration laws. They have refused to protect the lives of AMERICAN citizens, in the name of protecting ILLEGAL ALIENS who invade the nation from the south.
And to add insult to injury, Holder will not allow the state of Arizona to file a brief with the court in support of its own law. But Mexico, a FOREIGN country, will be allowed to file a brief against it.
Why? For what purpose? Why would a court in a sovereign nation allow a foreign country to file a brief against one of that sovereign nation's own states? And why would that sovereign nation disallow one of its own states to file a brief on its own behalf?
Of late Fox News' Bill O'Reilly has made statements that enrage conservatives, but one thing he stated recently is worth repeating--"This will be the one issue that will signal the demise of the Obama Administration. If they go through with this lawsuit, it's all over.'

- Anthony G. Martin The Conservative Examiner

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